Payment Posters New Employee Training

Payment Posters New Employee Training

Welcome, New User!

This Payment Posters Users' page will guide you to Articles that will help you navigate and get started in the System, specifically focusing on Payment Posting. Select the links in the order that they are listed for a comprehensive Training Guide that will take you step-by-step through the System with your workflow in mind.


  • Shortcuts

Payments and Receipts

  1. Payments, Receipts, and Escrow Overview

  2. Post a Patient Payment
    1. Create and Post a Patient Receipt/Payment Manually

    2. Auto-Post

    3. Use Post Expert to Post a Patient Payment

    4. Add a Copay on the Modify Charge Screen

    5. Pre-Payments

      1. Pre-Payment Setup

      2. Post a Pre-Payment

    6. Add the Guarantor to a Receipt

    7. Force Apply a Patient Payment that will Create a Credit

    8. Payment Collected for Copay and Account Balance

    9. Add an Additional Receipt After Creating a Copay Receipt

    10. Multiple Copays Collected

    11. The Apply Copay Pop-up Did Not Display

    12. Copay was not Applied on the Modify Charge Popup

    13. Copay Details not Entered until after Charge Entry

    14. Insurance Applied the Copay to the Wrong Line Item

  3. Post an Insurance Payment Manually

    1. Post an Insurance Payment Manually

    2. Create an Insurance Receipt

    3. Post as Note on Manually Posted Payment

    4. No Encounter Number on the EOB

    5. Claim-level Posting

  4. Post Insurance Payments by ERA

    1. ERA Posting Overview

    2. Add/Map an Insurance or Payer ID to an ERA

    3. Attach Encounters to an ERA

    4. Attach New Receipt to an ERA

    5. Attach an Existing Receipt to an ERA

    6. Delete an ERA Receipt and Repost

    7. ERA Generated an Incorrect Receipt Amount

    8. ERA is a Duplicate

    9. ERA Reporting

    10. Import an ANSI 835 (ERA) File

    11. Manually Post an ERA Remit

    12. Missing ERAs

    13. Modify the Status of Multiple ERAs

    14. Post/Apply an ERA

      1. Post/Apply an ERA (Table of Contents)

      2. Manage ERAs from the ERA List Screen

      3. Post/Apply an ERA

      4. Post an HSA/HRA Payment

    15. Post PR (Patient Responsibility) Codes

    16. Process an Insurance Virtual Credit Card Payment

    17. Post an ERA with Old System Payments

    18. Post Denial Worklist or On Hold Remits

      1. Post Denial Worklist or On Hold Remits (Table of Contents)

      2. Denial Worklist Overview

      3. Post DW (Denial Worklist) or On Hold (H) Remits

    19. Use Post Expert on an ERA

    20. Post Payment as a Note on ERA

    21. Print/View an EOB for an ERA

    22. Provider Level Adjustments on the ERA

    23. Disbursed Receipts

    24. Unapply an ERA

  5. Secondary Insurance Payment Posting

    1. Secondary Payer Allows/Pays more than the Primary Payer

    2. Manually Post a Secondary Payment before the Primary Payment

    3. Manually Post a Secondary Payment like a Primary Payment

  6. Invoice Payments

    1. Create Receipt and Post Invoice Payments

  7. Payments in Collections
  8. Account Balances

  9. Capitation, Bonus, and Incentive Posting
  10. Escrow
    1. Escrow Overview
    2. Find Receipts with Escrow
    3. Apply Payments from a Receipt with Escrow Amounts
    4. Refund Escrow
  11. Move a Patient Payment to Another Patient
  12. Post to a Zero/Credit Balance Encounter
  13. Post an Adjustment
  14. Use Post Expert to Post Additional Adjustments and Payments
  15. Post Interest or Penalty
    1. Post the Interest or Penalty
    2. Setup for Posting Interest and Penalty
  16. Post Non-sufficient Funds (NSF)
    1. Post Non-sufficient Funds (NSF) Overview
    2. Post an NSF for a Patient Payment
    3. Post an NSF for an Insurance Payment
  17. Receipts: Find/Make Corrections
    1. Correct a Patient Payment Receipt
    2. Delete or Modify a Receipt
    3. Find a Receipt or Deleted Receipt
    4. Receipts with Payments Posted in a Closed Period
  18. Uncollected Copays
  19. Undo a Posted Payment or an Adjustment

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