Move a Patient Payment to Another Patient

Move a Patient Payment to Another Patient

The Receipt was added to the Wrong Patient

If the Receipt was added to the Wrong Patient and has not been posted, delete the Receipt.

  • Create a new Receipt on the correct Patient and Post.

The Payment was Posted to the Wrong Patient

If the Payment was Posted to the Wrong Patient, the Receipt cannot be deleted.

Undo the Posted Payment and Repost

The problem with this method is that the Payment will be posted on the new Patient, but the Receipt will always have the original Patient on it.

If the original Transaction is in a Closed Period, the report numbers will not be affected. The Undo and Reposting will be reported in the current Period.
  • Connect to the original Reference Batch, if possible.
    • If in a Closed Period, attach to a current Reference Batch.
      • For tracking purposes, it is recommended to create a Reference Batch specifically for the Undo and Reposting.
  • On the Encounter where the Payment was posted, Undo the Receipt.
  • Open the Receipt, and select the Post (Expert Mode) button.

  • Enter or find the Patient.
  • Select the Encounter/Line Item where the Payment should be posted.

  • On the next screen:
  • Transaction: PP
  • Apply Amount: Enter the Amount to be applied
  • Select Save [F2].

  • Select Save [F2] on the screen.

Undo the Receipt and Disburse the Receipt

The Receipt can be undone and then disbursed as an Error. A new Receipt will need to be created to post the Payment to the correct Patient.

  • Undo the Receipt on the Encounter where it was posted.
  • Open the Receipt and select the Modify link.

  • If E does not exist, add it.
  • Enter a Note for the reason you disbursed this Receipt.
  • Select Save [F2].
  • Add a new Receipt for the correct Patient and Post.

Post the Receipt to a Patient with the Same Guarantor

  1. Undo the Receipt on the Encounter where it was originally posted.

  1. Action: Select Post Now.
  2. Enter a Note.
  3. Select Save [F2[.

  1. On the Post Patient & Collection Payments screen, select the checkbox for Include Additional Patients Under the Same Guarantor.

  1. Select the checkbox on the Patient's line item to Repost the Payment.
  2. Select Save [F2].

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