Disbursed Receipts

Disbursed Receipts

Disbursed Receipts


On the Receipt, the Disbursed Field is available to flag items that do not belong in the System. It is to be used in scenarios where some or all of the Receipts are not to be posted. When Disbursing a Receipt, only the amount that is in Escrow will be Disbursed and removed from the A/R. Posted Transactions will remain and be reported.

The following codes are System delivered:

O - DISBURSED IN OTHER PM SYSTEM (most commonly used)

  • This code is especially useful when transitioning PM systems.

Scenario: An ERA is received with Payment for Charges from your Legacy PM System. The System auto-generates a Receipt and marks it as Disbursed in Other PM. As a result, the Disbursed amount can be posted in the Legacy System and not affect the New PM System. The ERA Dashboard displays the amount that should be posted into the Legacy PM System.



  • If you do not wish to post the Payment, you can create a Receipt and Disburse it using this code.

This field is editable by users who have permissions to 'Modify' a receipt. This field may take place at any point in any reporting period. The Receipts management has filters to view disbursed receipts.

Add a Disbursed Code

  1. On the Receipt Dashboard, select the Modify link.
  2. On the Modify Receipt screen, select the Lookup icon on the Disbursed field.

  1. Select the Add button.
  2. Enter a one or two digit Code
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Select Save [F2].

Receipt Disbursed in Error on an ERA

The system uses the Patient and Encounter numbers to create the Account number(123e896) that appears on the  Claim and the ERA Payment.

  • At times, the Account number on the ERA file does not match the System number.
  • The System will generate a Receipt that disbursing incorrectly with an 'O' in the Disbursed field.

Modify the Receipt to remove the 'O' in the Disbursed field

  1. From the ERA Remit screen, select the Receipt number link.

  1. Select the Modify link on the Receipt Dashboard.
  2. Remove the 'O' in the Disbursed field.
  3. Select Save [F2].

Manually Post the ERA Receipt

Map an Encounter received on the ERA with a Truncated Account number

This mapping cannot be undone. Use with Cautions!

This Encounter will not be recognized as a new System Payment.

  • If posted, it will be treated as an Old System Payment and will be disbursed.

Connect the Encounter before posting the ERA:

On the ERA List screen, use the Filter CriteriaFilter by StatusOld System.

  1. Status: Select Loaded or All.
  2. On the Filter, Old System Remits, select Only from the dropdown.

  1. Select the Search button.
  2. Select the Remit number.
  3. Select the zero Encounter link.

  1. In the Lookup, select the Encounter number.

***Be sure the DOS and details match correctly.***

The Encounter is now mapped and can be posted as usual.

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