Attach New Receipt to an ERA

Attach New Receipt to an ERA

This is used when posting Interest, Penalties, Incentive (bonus) Payments or Claim Level Adjustments, such as Takebacks.

Create a Receipt for Interest, Penalty, Incentive, or Provider Level Adjustments

  • Select the ERA number.
  • On the ERA File Dashboard, select the Attach New Receipt link.

  • Enter the amount of Payment or Takeback.
    • Using a negative or positive dollar amount depends on whether the money is being paid to the provider or taken from the provider.
  • Use the Note field to identify the transaction.
  • Select Save [F2].

To Post the Receipt to a Miscellaneous Patient account see Post Interest or Post a Penalty.

Learn More

  1. Provider Level Adjustments

  2. Post Interest or Post a Penalty

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