Post the Interest or Penalty

Post the Interest or Penalty

Post the Interest or Penalty

Post Interest or Penalty

Post your Interest Payment or Penalty to the newly created Encounter, and use this same Encounter for future Interest/Penalty Payment from this Insurance.  

Create a Receipt for the Interest or Penalty

  • Manually posted Payments create a Receipt for the Interest.
  • Before saving the Receipt, choose Do not Post button.

Post Expert Mode to Post the Interest/Penalty

Use Post Expert Mode to manually enter the Interest/Penalty Payment and Adjustment.

  1. On the Receipt Dashboard, select the Post (Expert Mode) button.

  1. Use the Lookup icon, to find the "Interest" Patient that you created for Interest Payments.
  2. Select the Encounter line item in the list. (44840e8175)

  1. If the Allowed and Payment fields are available, enter the Interest amount there. If they are not available:
  • Transaction Code: Enter INTPAY.
  • Amount: Enter the Interest amount. (Positive amount if the interest is being received from the Payer and negative amount if Interest is being taken by the Payer.)

Note: There will be a negative balance for the Insurance if Interest was received from the Payer. (There will be a positive balance if Interest is being taken by the Payer.)

  1. To make the Balance zero on the Interest Account, apply an Adjustment using the Interest Adjustment (INTADJ) that you set up.
  • Transaction Code: INTADJ
  • Amount: Enter the amount of the Interest Payment (Positive amount if interest is being received from the Payer and negative amount if interest is being taken by the Payer.)

Note: The Balance on the Encounter is now $0.00.

  1. Select the Save Unbalanced button.
  2. Select the Save[F2] button.

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