Claim-Level Posting

Claim-level Posting

Encounters that are paid at the claim level can be posted as they are paid.

  1. These are Encounters with no line-level adjudication breakdown.
  2. The System will distribute the money automatically across the Procedure Lines.
 Claim-level Posting   
  1. On the Post Insurance Payments window, enter the Encounter number.

  2. Select Post Claim Level.

  1. If you receive adjudication you do not wish to post at this time, such as a denial, select the Post as Note checkbox.

    1. When this option is selected, the transactions will be Posted as a Note on the Encounter, so you'll have a record of the remittance information.

    2. The transactions will have no financial impact on the Encounter since they are notes and not Transactions.

    3. The Transactions will be posted as "NOTE-" followed by the transaction code.

  2. Note: Enter Note if applicable.

  3. Other Code: If there is another CARC code on the Remit other than CO45, PR1, PR2, or PR3, enter in the Other Code field.

  4. Other Amount: Enter the Other Amount for the Other Code.

  5. Allowed: Enter the Allowed Amount.

  6. Paid: Enter the Paid Amount.

  7. CO45: Enter the Contractual Write-off Amount.

  8. Copay(PR3): Enter Copay if applicable.

  9. Deductible(PR1): Enter Deductible if applicable.

  10. Coinsurance(PR2): Enter Coinsurance if applicable.

  11. Undistributed: The amount of the Receipt that is not posted. This should be $0.00 when finished.

  12. Select Save [F2].


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