Unapply an ERA

Unapply an ERA

If a mistake is made when Applying an ERA, it can be Unapplied.

Unapply an Entire ERA 

  1. In the Filter Criteria on the ERA List screen, choose Status, Posted.

  2. Select Search.

  1. Select the Remits number that you want to Unapply.

  1. One the ERA Remit Items screen, select the Unapply button. The Apply button will become available again. *If the Unapply button is grayed out, see the documentation below.

Unapply Button is not Available (Grayed Out)

Hovering over the Unapply button will display the reason(s) why it is unavailable.


  • The Reference Batch is closed and needs to be Opened before the Remit can be Unapplied.

  • One or more Remit Items have been altered and will need to be unapplied individually before the entire Remit can be Unapplied. The Remit number(s) will be listed.

  • There may be a Takeback that has been posted that needs to be unapplied before the entire Remit can be Unapplied.

Unapply One Remit Item

Attach to the Original Reference Batch.

  1. On the ERA Remit Items screen, find the Remit Item that you want to Unapply.

  2. In the Receipt column, select the Receipt number.

  1. On the Receipt Dashboard, select the Delete button.

  1. Enter a Reason.

  2. Check the box for "I understand that this action cannot be undone".

  3. Select the Submit button.

The Unapply button became available, and the Remit Item is back in the Apply status. The entire Remit can now be Unapplied.

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