Post an NSF for an Insurance Payment

Post an NSF for an Insurance Payment

Post an NSF for an Insurance Payment

If an Insurance Payment is returned due to Insufficient Funds, Takebacks will need to be done on each Patient on the Remit.

  1. Find the original Insurance Receipt and open it by selecting the Receipt number.

  1. Select the Post button.

  1. For each Patient, enter Patient ID or enter the Encounter number preceded by an e in the Patient field (e1234).

  2. Select the Takeback button.

  3. Select the box on the lines to be taken back.

  4. Select Save [F2].

When the Takebacks have been completed on all the Patients on the Remit, the original Receipt amount will be in Escrow. To Disburse the money so that it will not remain in Escrow, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Receipt number again.

  1. Select the Modify link.

  1. In the Disbursed field, enter NF.

    • If NF is not in the dropdown, select the Lookup Icon and select the Add button to add it.

  2. Select Save [F2].

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