Find Receipts with Escrow

Find Receipts with Escrow

Use the Receipt Management Report

  • Select Reports on the left menu panel.
  • In the Transactions Panel, select the Receipt Management button.

  • Enter the Date Range or choose from the Date Span dropdown.
  • Use any other applicable filters.
  • Select Escrow Only.
  • Select Run.

From the Payment Dashboard

  • Select Payments on the left menu panel.
  • All receipts still in Escrow will display in the Receipts with Escrow Panel.
  • Receipts can be posted from this panel by selecting the receipt number link.

In Receipt History

  • All receipts display that have been posted and that are still in Escrow.
  • Select Payments on the Left Side Menu and select the Receipt History link or enter an R in the Navigation Search Box.
  • Select the Escrow Only box.
  • Receipts can be posted from this panel by selecting the receipt number link.

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