Modify the Status of Multiple ERAs

Modify the Status of Multiple ERAs

This feature can be used to modify the Status of several ERAs in one step.

Change the Status of Legacy Payments

When you first start using the System, you may receive ERA payments where the charges are in your Legacy (old) System. If the entire remit contains Legacy Payments, and they have already been posted in the Legacy System, follow these steps below. These Legacy Payments will be listed in the O column on the ERA List screen.
  1. Select the Checkboxes to the right of the ERA number.
  2. Select the Modify Selected ERAs button.
  3. Select the New Status, such as Posted Manually to Old System.
  4. Select Save [F2].

These ERAs will be removed from the Loaded screen. You can find them by selecting the Status Filter that you chose in the steps above.

Archive ERAs

Multiple ERAs can be Archived in one step using the same steps above.
  1. The ERAs will no longer be visible on the Posted screen. Choose the Status of Archived to view these Remits.
  2. The Apply & Unapply button will no longer be available after Archiving an ERA.
  3. The ERA can be re-statused to another status to gain access to the Apply & Unapply button again.

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