Post a Pre-Payment

Post a Pre-Payment

This workflow is for groups who choose not to leave Receipts in Escrow for prepaid services. This process works well for paying providers before services are rendered.

Create an Incomplete Charge

  1. On the Post Charge screen, select Self-Pay from the Insurance dropdown list.

  1. In the Claim panel, select the Pre-Payment Charge Template using the Lookup icon  on the Template field.
  2. In the DOS popup window, enter the Date of Service.
  3. Click Save (F2). The Dx and Procedure will auto-populate from the Charge Template.

  1. Use the Copay button to enter a Receipt. Other receipts can be added later by using Post Payment on the Patient Dashboard.
  2. Enter the Receipt information into the Post Copay popup window and click Save.

  1. Under the Procedures panel, select Payments to post the payment from the Receipt.
  2. Enter the Payment Amount.
  3. Select Submit.
  4. From the Charge Type dropdown, select Incomplete
  5. Click Save (F2).
  6. In the Incomplete Reason pop-up window, enter Prepay for the Incomplete Reason.
  7. Click Save (F2).

Post a Pre-Payment to the Actual Pre-Paid Service

When the actual Charge is entered or received from your EHR, reverse the Incomplete Charge and move the Receipt(s) to the new Encounter.

  1. From the Encounter Dashboard, click Reverse. This puts the money in Escrow to reapply to the new charge.

  1. On the Charge Reversal window, select Reverse for Deletion from the Method dropdown list.
  2. Add a Note such as Prepay to be applied.
  3. Select the checkboxes underneath I Understand.
  4. Take note of the Receipt number(s).
  5. Click Save [F2].

After the actual Charge is entered or completed from an Incomplete Charge from the EHR, proceed to the new Encounter.

  1. Click the Receipts link.

  1. Choose the applicable Prepay Receipt in Escrow

  1. Click Post.

  1. Show: All Services
  2. While holding the Ctrl key, click the checkbox on the Encounter to apply the Receipt in Escrow.
  3. Click Save [F2].

Repeat the steps above until all Prepay Receipts have been posted.

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