Copay was not Applied on the Modify Charge Popup

Copay was not Applied on the Modify Charge Popup

***The Copay pop-up only displays on the Modify Charge screen if the Payment Received Date is the same as the Date of Service.***

There are several ways to apply a Copay after the Modify Charge Screen is saved.

Example 1: The Copay was not applied when the pop-up displayed on the Modify Charge screen

  • On the Encounter Dashboard, select the Modify button.
  • When the popup window displays again, post the Copay.

Example 2: If a Copay has been entered but not posted using the pop-up on the Modify Charge screen, the Post Copay link on the Encounter Dashboard can be used.

This link only displays if there is not a Copay posted to this Encounter already.

  1. Select the Post Copay link on the Encounter Dashboard.
  2. The Post Copay screen will display with the Copay that was entered previously.
  3. Select Save (F2).

If there was no Copay previously entered, the Post Copay link can be used to create and post the Copay to the Encounter.

Example 3: If the Copay pop-up was not used on the Modify Charge screen, the Receipt link on the Encounter Dashboard can be used to post the Payment.

  1. Select the Receipt link.

  1. Select the Post button.

  1. Choose All Services from the Show dropdown list.
  2. Force Apply Credit by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting the appropriate checkbox.
  • This shows as a patient credit until the Insurance payment is posted.
  1. Select Save [F2].

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