Add a Copay on the Modify Charge Screen

Add a Copay on the Modify Charge Screen

Add a Copay on the Modify Charge Screen

If the Front Desk Users do not enter the Copays, they can be entered on the Modify Charge screen

Account Payments cannot be entered on the Modify Charge Screen.

Apply the Copay using the Popup

  • If a Copay has been entered with the same Received date as the DOS of the Charge, a pop-up will display to select the Copay.
  • Select the Receipt number to apply the copay to the first line of the Charge.
  • Hover over View to see details of the Copay.
  • Select the Edit icon to make changes to the Receipt.

Use the Receipt Tab to View the Patient's Receipts

  • If there is no pop-up, select the Receipts tab to see if there has been a Patient Receipt created that has the same Received date as the Date of Service before selecting the Copay button.
  • Receipts in Escrow can be seen on this tab.

If the Copay Receipt has already been entered, do not select the Copay button because it will create a duplicate Receipt.

The Copay Pop-up was Manually Closed

  • If you closed the Copay window, but still want to post the Copay, you can open the Modify Charge again, and the popup will display again; or
  • Select the Existing Copay button to the right of the first Charge line to open the popup again.

Use the Receipt Tab to View the Patient's Receipts

If there is no pop-up, select the Receipts tab to see if there has been a Patient Receipt created that has the same Received date as the Date of Service before selecting the Copay button.

  • Receipts in Escrow (not applied) can be seen on this tab.

Add a Copay

If the Copay Receipt has already been entered, do not select the Copay button because it will create a duplicate Receipt.

If a Copay was not found for this Encounter, you can add the Copay on the Procedure Tab.

  • Select the Procedures Tab.
  • Select the Copay button.

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