Import an ANSI 835 (ERA) File

Import an ANSI 835 (ERA) File

Import an ANSI 835 (ERA) File (Beta)

To successfully import an ANSI, the file must be an 835 File from the Payer. Other file types (such as Excel files) will not be imported.

Once the necessary setups are in place, ANSI ERA (835) files are imported automatically into the System with no user intervention needed.

  • When first implementing, it is common for ERAs to be routed to the old Clearinghouse.
  • If you want these ERAs in the new System, they can be manually imported so the Payments do not have to be posted manually.

The initial ERAs often contain a mix of Payments belonging to the new System and the old (legacy) System.

  • The Payments belonging to the new System are posted in the new System.
  • The old System Payments are flagged automatically for posting in your old System.

This feature can be activated in System Settings. (System Settings > Payments > IMPORTERA - Manually Import 835 > Y

Note: To import an 835 file, it must be saved to your local computer.

  • A single 835 can contain multiple ERAs/Checks.
  • All of the ERAs/checks will be imported when using the 835 is manual import function.
  • Each ERA/Check will be listed separately.

Import an ERA 835

  1. From Payments on the Left Side Menu, select All ERAS.

  1. Select the Import button.
  2. Choose File: Select the 835 File that was saved to your computer.
  3. Select the Parse button.
  4. If the 835 File was parsed successfully, the button to Create ERA will display.

835 File Imported

Delete an Imported ERA

Imported ERAs can be deleted if you do not need the file or it was created in error.

  1. On the ERA List, select the checkbox on the Imported ERA File to be delete.
  2. Select the Delete button.
  3. Enter a Reason for the deletion.
  4. Select the Delete button.

If the Imported ERA has been applied (posted), it has to be unapplied before it can be deleted.

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