Post an ERA with Old System Payments

Post an ERA with Old System Payments

Post an ERA with Old System Payments

All Payments on the ERA are for Your Old (Legacy) System

The Legacy System Encounters will be statused with an 'O'. The System recognizes the New System Payments by the Account number. (Patient ID plus the Encounter number: 973e786.) If the Account Number does not match an Encounter number in the System, it will mark the Encounter as Old System automatically.

There are 2 Ways to handle the Legacy System Payments when all Payments on the ERA are for the Legacy System.

  • First, manually Post the Remit to the Legacy System. The EOB can be viewed or printed from the New System.
  • Choose one of the methods below to manage the Remit in the New PM System.

Apply the ERA in the New System

  • On the ERA Remit Items screen, select the Apply button.
  • When the ERA is Applied, the 'O' statused Payments will be disbursed automatically as Old System Payments and will not be included in the A/R in your new System.


Mark the ERA as Posted

  1. Select the ERA number on the ERA List screen.

  1. View or Print the EOB by selecting View EOB to post manually in your Legacy System.
  2. On the ERA File Dashboard, select Edit.
  3. From the File Status dropdown, choose Posted [P] or Posted Manually[PM].
  • You can also create your own File Type Status by choosing MANAGE from the File Status dropdown.
  1. Select Save [F2]. The ERA List screen will update from Loaded to the File Status that you chose.

Mixed ERA with Legacy System and New System Payments

  • Apply the ERA as usual.
  • The Payments in the Legacy System will be disbursed and will not be included in the New System A/R.
  • The Payments for the Encounters in the new System will be posted to the existing Encounters.
  • Print or View the EOB for the Legacy System Payments only.
  • On the ERA Remit Items screen, choose Old System [O] from the Status dropdown.
  • Select the View EOB button.

  • The EOB will have a Total Paid for the amount that should be posted in the Legacy System.
  • Post this amount to your Legacy PM.

  • This amount will be reflected on the ERA File Dashboard as well.

Learn More

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