Manage ERAs from the ERA List Screen Using Filters

Manage ERAs from the ERA List Screen Using Filters

Manage ERAs from the ERA List Screen Using Filters

To access the ERA List screen, from Payments on the Left Side Menu, select the All ERAs link on the Payments Dashboard. All ERA categories can be managed from this screen.

Filter Criteria

Use the Filter Criteria to qualify which ERAs to view.


  • Display the ERAs from oldest ERAs to newest: Use the Loaded From and Loaded To Dates or the Paid From and Paid To Dates to display a specific time period.
  • The list will be in newest to oldest order.
  • To reorder from oldest to newest, click the column title twiceLoaded or Paid
  • Display a specific Payer's ERAs, such as Medicare: Enter or use the Lookup icon on the Insurance filter.
  • Display a specific Tax ID: Enter the Tax ID in the ERA Tax ID filter.


  • Choose the Status from the Status dropdown menu.
  • Create your own Statuses
  • All: Does not include Archived or Duplicates.
  • Loaded (Default): Displays only ERAs that have not been Applied.
  • Applying: Displays for ERAs that are in the process of being applied..
  • This status prevents Users from Applying an ERA that is in the process of being applied and will display the error message "ERA is already being applied."
  • This Status will update to Posted when complete.
  • Posted: Shows only the Status of Posted.
  • It does not include ArchivedDuplicatePosted Manually, or custom Statuses even if the ERAs have been Posted.
  • These Statuses must be chosen Individually.
  • Duplicate: Choose Duplicate from the dropdown.
  • Posted Manually: Choose Posted Manually or All from the dropdown.
  • Archived: ChoosArchived from the dropdown.

  • Use of the following filters will enhance your search capabilities for Posted ERAs.
  • Change the Status filter to AllPosted, or Archived to utilize these fields.
  • DOS From and DOS To
  • On Hold Remits (Include/Exclude/Only): Includes or Excludes Remits that have a number greater than zero in the H (Hold) column.
  • Denial Worklist Remits (Include/Exclude/Only): Includes or Excludes Remits that have a number greater than zero in the DW column.
  • Custom Worklist Remits (Include/Exclude/Only): Includes or Excludes Remits that have been assigned to a Custom Worklist with a number greater than zero in the CW column.
  • Old System Remits (Include/Exclude/Only): Includes or Excludes Old System Remits with a number greater than zero in the column.
  • Unbalanced (Include/Exclude/Only): Include or Exclude Remits where the Amount column is not equal to the Applied column.
  • Crossover Mapping Remits (Include/Exclude/Only): Mappings for claims that have been crossed to Secondary Payer where the Secondary Insurance is in the Library but not on the Encounter’s Insurance Profile.
  • Applied ByUser Lookup for person that Applied the Remit. On the ERA List report, hover over the person’s ID in the Applied By column to see the date and time the Remit was Applied.
  • Check/Transaction Number: Spaces at the beginning or the end of the Check Number will be removed automatically.

  • Selecting the All Status does not pull Archived or Duplicates.
  • To see the ArchivedPosted Manually, and Custom Statuses, choose these Statuses in the dropdown.
  • These may have money in Escrow that needs to be posted.
  • All Holds (H) will be highlighted in red in the column.
  • All DWs will be in the DW column.

  • Use the yellow highlighted items in the Amount and Applied columns to verify that the ERA is balanced and to help identify issues, such as, Provider Level Adjustments.

Create an ERA File Status

  1. On the ERA File Dashboard, select the Edit link.

  1. Choose Manage on the File Status dropdown.
  2. Select the Add button.
  3. Enter a Code.
  4. Enter a Description.
  5. Select Save [F2].

Update an ERA's File Status

  1. On the ERA List, select one or multiple ERAs.
  2. Select Modify Selected ERAs.

  1. Select a Status in the New ERA File Status dropdown.
  • Select Manage to add a new ERA Status.
  1. Select Save [F2].

Learn More

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