Create Receipt and Post Invoice Payments

Create Receipt and Post Invoice Payments


If you intend to use Invoices or Post Invoice Payments, you must add the System Setting: AdminSystem SettingsGeneralInvoice - Activate Invoice BillingYes.

Even if you do not send invoices, the System Setting must be set to Yes to post an Invoice.

Create Receipt and Post Invoice Payments

Invoices are used when multiple Patients have the same Employer as their Guarantor, and you want to send one Invoice for all Patients with a balance. Invoices can also be used to bill for one Patient, such as to an Attorney.

VP is used for the Transaction Code and is System Delivered when Invoices are selected for the Payment Type.

Payment Posting for Invoices

  1. From Payments on the Left Side Menu, select Post Payment.

  1. Choose Invoice Payment for the Payment Type.
  2. Post Date: The date will default from the date entered on the Reference Batch.
  3. Enter the Received Date.
  4. Check Date: Enter the date of the check if applicable.
  5. Employer/Attorney: Select the Employer or Attorney.
  6. Invoice: An Invoice can be chosen from the dropdown.
  7. Patient: If this Invoice is for one Patient only, select the Patient. If there are several Patients on the Invoice, leave this field blank.
  8. Received Amount: Enter the Amount of the check/payment.
  9. Select the Method of Payment.
  1. Enter the Reference/Check Number.
  2. Note: Enter a note for internal purposes if applicable.
  3. Select the posting method.
  • Manually Post
  • If Employer/Attorney's Payment is for multiple Patients, a list of Patients with balances will be displayed.
  • If a Patient was selected, the Patient displays with all Patients with a balance. The Patient's Encounters can be chosen from the list. 
  • Do not Post: Options to Access Post or Post Expert (Mode)
  • Post
  • If a Patient was chosen, only that Patient's Encounters will display.
  • If a Patient was not chosen, all Encounters with a balance will display.
  • Post (Expert Mode)
  • If a Patient was chosen, the Patient ID will auto populate and all of that Patient's Encounters with a balance will display. Each Encounter will be chosen separately to post manually.
  • Partial Payments can be posted to one or to multiple patients if a single Patient was not chosen.
  • Auto Post: Recommended only to be used if the Invoice is being paid in full.
  • Auto Post will post from the oldest DOS to the newest DOS.
  • Post Multiple takes you to a New Receipt screen and leaves the current receipt un-posted.
  1. Select Save [F2].

Post the Invoice Payment

There are two options to choose on the Payment Receipt screen when Posting an Invoice Payment.

  • Manually Post
  • Do Not Post

Manually Post

Multiple Encounters/Line Items can be chosen or a specific Patient's Line Item(s) can be selected.

After choosing Save on the Receipt, the Post Patient & Collection Payments will display.

  • Total Escrow: The Escrow amount will be the Total amount of the check.
  • New Balance: The New Balance Is the current balance of each line item.

As the boxes are checked, the New Balance and the Escrow decrease.

The Escrow will be $0.00 when finished.

Select Save [F2].

Do Not Post

The Receipt Dashboard displays when Do Not Post is selected. You have the option to select Post or Post (Expert Mode).


If a specific Patient was not chosen on the Receipt, selecting the Post button displays the same screen as Manually Post. Select the check boxes as above.

If a specific Patient was chosen on the Receipt, the same screen will display but only the Patient chosen will be listed.

  • Use the check boxes to post to the line items.
  • Select Save [F2].

Post (Expert Mode)

Post (Expert Mode) is used when a Payment is not posting the way you want or the Payer made a partial Payment.

Example: The Employer only makes a partial payment on a Patient balance. Since partial Payments cannot be posted on the Post Payment and Collection Payments screen, you will need to use the Post (Expert Mode).

The Post Expert Mode screen will display when using the Post (Expert Mode) button.

  • Select a Patient ID and Tab.
  • All Encounters and Line Items with a balance will populate.
  • Select a Line item by clicking the link in the ID column.

  • The Total for this line item is $250.00, but the Employer is only paying $125.00 on this check.

  • Enter VP for the Transaction Code.
  • Enter the amount paid for the line item.
  • Balance To: Select the Employer/Attorney so the Patient will not be billed for the remainder.
  • Select Save [F2].

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