Process an Insurance Virtual Credit Card Payment

Process an Insurance Virtual Credit Card Payment

Some Insurances make Payments with a Virtual Credit Card.

  • In order to receive the funds, the information must be processed with a Credit Card Processor.
  • If the Receipt is not handled appropriately, the Payment will reflect as a duplicate on the ERA Payments.

There are multiple ways the Virtual Card can be processed depending on the order that the ERAs and Virtual Credit Payments are received/posted.

Option 1: ERA is posted before the Credit Card Payment is Received

  1. Locate the ERA and select it.
  2. On the ERA Dashboard, select Attach New Receipt link.
  3. Enter the Received Amount.
  4. Method: Select Card.
  5. Select the Credit Card Type using the dropdown.
  6. Process Electronically should be checked.
  7. Select Manually Post.
  8. Select Save [F2].

Process the Credit Card

  1. On the ERA File Dashboard, select the Receipt number.

  1. Select the Process button.
  2. Terminal: Select -Not Used-
  3. Enter the Card Number.
  4. Enter the Cardholder Name.
  5. Enter the Expiration Date in this format: MM/YY
  6. CVV and Zip are optional.
  7. Select the Process Payment [F2] button.

Disburse the Receipt

To avoid having a duplicate Payment, disburse the Receipt.

  1. Select the Receipt number on the ERA File Dashboard.

  1. Select the Modify link.

  1. Select the Disbursement Code, VC or CC.
  1. Select Save [F2].

Option 2: The Virtual Insurance Credit Card Payment has been processed separately from the ERA.

The Credit Card Payment is left in escrow. When the ERA is received, post the ERA as usual, and attach the existing Credit Card Receipt to the ERA.

  1. On the ERA Dashboard, select Attach Existing Receipt.

  1. Select the Receipt number for the Virtual Credit Card that was previously processed.

  1. Disburse the Receipt by following the Disbursement steps above.

Option 3: The Virtual Credit Card is processed, and the Payments are manually posted before receiving the ERA

  • When the ERA is received, it should not be posted.
  • Change the ERA Status to Posted Manually.

  • Attach the existing receipt that has already been used to post the Payments manually.
  • Use the Steps above for Option 2 to Attach an Existing Receipt.
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