Payment/Receipt FAQs
Adjustments/CARC Codes
Balance Transfer
Why should I do a Balance Transfer when the Secondary is posted before the Primary?
- Payments should be posted in their Adjudication order, so the Primary Payment should be posted before the Secondary Payment.
- If the Payments are posted out of order, this can cause a discrepancy with the way that Responsibility is displayed.
Should I select Leave Balance or Transfer to Next Party in the "Balance To" dropdown?
- If the "Balance To" dropdown is left as Transfer to Next Party, a Credit is created on the Secondary Payment, and a Debit is created for the Patient.
- The Primary Adjudication will balance the Credit and Debit and a Balance Transfer is not necessary.
Why is the Copay pop-up not displaying on the Modify Charge Screen?
- The Copay Received Date must be the same as the Date of Service.
I used the Copay pop-up to post the Copay. Why didn't it post?
Check Number
Credit Cards
How do I use Stored Cards?
- Stored Cards can be used on Payment Plans, but also allow for expedited copay collection and to run against a Patient's Balance.
Delete an Adjustment
How do I delete/reverse an adjustment?
Can I see Insurance Escrow on the Patient Dashboard?
- No, Insurance Escrow cannot be seen on the Patient Dashboard because an Insurance Receipt is not associated with just one Patient even if there is only one Patient on the Remit.
- Patient Escrow does show on the Patient Dashboard because the Receipt is associated with a Patient.
What do I do when the remit has a different Insurance than the Insurance that is on the Patient's Insurance Profile?
- If this is a crossover from the Primary Insurance to the Secondary Insurance, the Crossover Mappings button on the ERA list screen can be used to map the Insurance.
- If the Insurance is correct, but the Payment came back with a different name and/or Payer ID than what is in the System, the ERA Payer ID can be added to the Payer.
- Example: The claim was sent to Great West, but came back as Cigna.
- Cigna manages Great West but has a different ERA Payer ID than the one in the Insurance Library.
How do I post a Payment to a Balance Forward (from old PM)
Payment Plans
If a Payment Plan has "Hold for Payment Plan" selected for Statements, will any Statements get sent for Patients under the Guarantor?
- Statements will still send for any Encounters that are not associated with the Payment Plan.
- Note: The Encounters that are not a part of the Payment Plan will not indicate that other Encounters for the same Guarantor are on a Payment Plan.
- Learn More: Send or Hold for Payment Plan
What is a disbursed Receipt?
How do I add Receipt History to the Home Dashboard?
- The Receipt Panel can be pinned to the Home Dashboard (which includes the History) by going to Payments and selecting the Push Pin on the Receipts with Escrow panel.
How do I cancel/reverse a Refund?
Example: You accidentally created a Refund receipt for a Patient.
- If the Refund is in an open period, the receipt can be deleted (permission controlled).
- If you have refunded the money to the Patient, you should not delete the Receipt.
- If the Refund is in a closed period and the money has not been given to the Patient: