Release Notes v 4.6

Release Notes v 4.6

Enhancements for Incomplete Charge Review

  • The full Insurance Profile now displays in the Insurance hover-over.
  • When multiple Encounters are being completed together, there is now a Validation Warning that indicates:
  • The number of Encounters that can be completed.
  • The number and list of Encounters that have Charge Management Warnings with the option to select Encounters to complete..
  • The number and list of Encounters that cannot be completed due to Charge Management Errors.
  • The number and list of Encounters in a Global Period.
  • Totals of Encounters To be Completed and To Be Reviewed with the ability to Assign Tags.
  • After selecting Save and Continue, the Encounters that were not automatically completed will be shown.
  • This filtered screen is indicated by a red banner with the option to Clear the results to return to your original screen.
  • A banner at the top of the Modify Charge screen will display the Charge Management Rule and Rule number for the Charges that were not completed.

Learn More: Complete Multiple Encounters

Cancel Future Appointments for Inactive/Deceased Patients

When a Patient is marked as Inactive or Deceased, you will get a Validation Warning. If Save and Continue is selected:

  • All future Appointments will be canceled.
  • If the Patient is reactivated, the Appointments will need to be manually rescheduled.
  • The Patient will be cleared from the Reschedule Queue, and all open Recalls will be deleted.
  • Patients can easily be re-activated from the Patient Dashboard or New Appointment screens

Learn More: Make a Patient Inactive;  Indicate a Patient is Deceased

Updating Profile to SELF-PAY Simplified

Updating an Insurance Profile to Self-Pay has been simplified. In Insurance Management, you can transfer an Encounter to a Self-Pay Profile even if there are posted transactions in a closed period.

  • If in a closed period, the selected Encounters are reversed for modification automatically.

Learn More: Move Existing Encounters to a new Insurance/Self-Pay Profile

Preferred Name Option for a Patient/Guarantor

The ability to store the Preferred Name has been added to the Patient and Guarantor. The Preferred Name will display parenthetically or in place of the First Name on Patient Communications. The default System Setting value (PREFERREDNAME) is No.

  • Example 1: Test, Julia (Jane)
  • Example 2: Julia (Jane) Test

Preferred Names are included when you search first names for Patients or Guarantors.

Learn more: Preferred Names; Add/Register a New Patient

Visibility on Errored Statement Items

Errored Statements Items are now easier to locate and correct.

  • Statement Management Dashboard: There is a new Statements Status panel.
  • Shows Status counts of all Statements that have been batched within the defined Cycle Days.
  • Going into a Batch is no longer necessary to view the status of a Statement.
  • The Statement Batch Status of “MAILED” has been changed to “PROCESSED”
  • Individual Statements will still show as “MAILED”.

Learn more: Statements within Cycle Days Panel

Enhancement for Resending Previous Invoices

A previous Invoice can be re-sent using the Create On-Demand Batch button on the Statement/Invoice Management Dashboard.

  • The original Invoice Number will send on the newly created Invoice.
  • The new Invoice batch will be displayed in the Invoice History panel on the Employer Dashboard.
  • New filters to sort Invoices by Status or Invoice ID have been added. The Status options are Open (default), Paid, or All.

Learn More: Resend Previous Invoices

Show Fee Updates in Insurance Management

When updating an Insurance Profile on Encounters, Fee Changes will display showing  Current Fee and New Fee.

  • Fees will update automatically when switching Insurance Profiles.
  • If the Encounter is in a closed Period, the System will perform a Reverse for Modification automatically and update the fees.

Learn More: Modify, Delete, or Merge Encounters on Incomplete Charges

Invoice Refund Receipts/Reporting

Invoice Refunds (VRF) follow the same processes as an Insurance Refund.

  • Select Invoice Refund as the Refund Type and enter an Employer.

Learn More: Invoice Refunds

Pending Insurances

While adding an Insurance Policy, if there is not enough information to determine the correct Insurance, it can now be marked as Pending.

  • Selecting the Pending checkbox will use PENDING as the Insurance on the Policy.
  • Charges must be saved as Incomplete if they are attached to an Insurance Profile with a Pending Insurance Policy.

  • User Permission: Patient Registration > Assign Insurance to Policy
  • Uncheck this Permission to force the Insurance Profile to be Pending during Patient Registration.

Learn more: Mark an Insurance as Pending

Automate Real-Time Claim Status

Real-Time Claim Status gives feedback from the Payer on Claims that have been Payer Accepted. For clients utilizing this feature, this can now be automated. After a customizable number of attempts, based on the response, Tasks can be created and Claim Statuses updated, all automatically!

Learn more: Automate Real-Time Claim Status with the Job SchedulerReal-Time Claim Status


Reset Cycle Days

Users now have the ability to Reset the Cycle Days of an Encounter.

Learn More: Reset Cycle Days

Improved Logic for Eligibility Verification Timing

  • The System Setting, Scheduling ELIGTIMEFRAME, has new options available.
  • 7-30 days
  • Calendar Month
  • Calendar Year
  • The new options are available also on the Modify Insurance Screen which will override the System Setting.

Learn More: Set the Eligibility Time FramePrevent Excessive Eligibility Requests

Changes to the Recall Query

The following changes have been made to the Recall Query:

  • Ordered by relabeled to Ordering Provider
  • Resource Filter and Lookup option was added to the Recall Query and when adding/modifying a Recall from the Appointment Screen.
  • Schedule Status has been updated to Needs Scheduled.


Learn more: Recalls

Reordered Fields - Query by Form

The fields on the Query by Form have been reordered.

Learn more: Query by Form

Schema Changes

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