Preferred Names

Preferred Names

System Setting for Preferred Names

The option to use Preferred names is controlled by a System Setting.

The Preferred Name System Setting allows the Preferred Name to be used instead of the First Name for Statements, Notifications, Reminders, and POPS:

Admin > System Settings > Patient > PREFERREDNAME

System Setting Options

  • Yes: The Preferred Name displays in parentheses after the First Name.
  • Displays on:
  • Statements
  • Calendar
  • Appointment List
  • Add/Modify Appointment
  • Patient/Encounter/Guarantor Dashboards
  • Modify Charge screen
  • Patient/Guarantor lookup
  • The Preferred Name is not on Forms or Notifications/POPS.
  • Yes and Replace Name on Forms
  • On all the screens listed for Yes (In Parentheses): TEST, CHARLES (CHUCK)
  • Plus replaces the name on Forms, such as, Facesheets and Superbills.
  • CHUCK replaces CHARLES on Forms.
  • Yes and Replace Name on Notifications
  • On all the screens listed for Yes (In Parentheses)TEST, CHARLES (CHUCK)
  • Plus replaces the name sent on Notifications, such as, Appointment Reminders and Balance Notifications/POPS.
  • CHUCK replaces CHARLES on Notifications
  • The Preferred Name is not on Forms.
  • Yes and Replace Name on Both
  • On all the screens listed for Yes (In Parentheses): TEST, CHARLES (CHUCK)
  • Plus Replaces the name on Forms and Notifications.
  • No and (---): The Preferred Name is not displayed anywhere.
  • This is the default.

Add/Modify a Preferred Name

Input Preferred Names for Patients or Guarantors during Patient Registration or Modification.
  • Patient Dashboard
  • Demographics Panel: Select Edit on the Patient Dashboard.
  • Enter or Modify the Preferred Name.
  • Save [F2].

If the Guarantor is Self, the name will change automatically on the Guarantor.

  • Guarantor is not Self
  • On the Patient Dashboard, select Guarantor's Name.
  • Select the Edit link.

Preferred Names vs. Submission Names

  • Preferred Names are used to notate the name that the Patient chooses to be called.
  • This information is not sent on Claims.
  • Submission Names are used when the Patient name in the System does not match the name that is on their Insurance card.
  • This information is sent on Claims.

Learn More

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