Submission Names

Submission Names

Patient's Name is Different on the Insurance Card

If the Payer requires a different name from the name in the System, a Submission Name can be added and attached to the Payer.
  1. In the Demographics Panel on the Patient Dashboard, select the Submission Names link.
  2. Select the Add button on the Submission Names screen.
  3. Insurance: Select the Payer from the dropdown.
  4. Enter the Name that is on the Insurance Card (First Name, Last Name, Middle, and Suffix).
  5. Enter an Effective Date.
  6. Save [F2].

In the example above, the Patient's name in the System is Bill Test Jr, but the BCBS Insurance Card shows him as William Test Jr. The Submission Name, William Test Jr, was added to BCBS which will be sent on the BCBS Claims, but other Payers' Claims will be sent as Bill Test Jr.

Submission Names will show on the Find Patient/Guarantor screen indicated by an asterisk

In the Example below, Carol Test has a Submission Name setup for Medicare. The Chart Name and the Submission Name are listed.

Exclude Submission Names

You can also exclude Submission Names when searching for Patients.

In this example, the Exclude Submission Names checkbox is selected, and only the Chart Name appears in the list.

Submission Names on the Patient Dashboard

The Submission Name is on the Insurance line on the Patient Dashboard in the Active Policies Panel. It is designated with an asterisk.

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