Invoice: On-Demand

Invoice: On-Demand

Invoice: On-Demand

Send an On-Demand Invoice outside of your usual cycle

  1. From the Statements Management Dashboard, select the Create On-Demand Batch button.

  1. Batch: Choose Invoices.
  2. Employer or Employer Group: Use the Lookup  to select the Employer.
  3. DOS From and DOS To: Enter if applicable.
  4. Post Date From and Post Date To: Enter if applicable.
  5. Note: An Internal Note can be entered. This Note does not appear on the Invoice.
  6. Select Create Batch [F2].

Resend Previous Invoices

A previous Invoice Batch can be rebatched using the Create On-Demand Batch button on the Statement/Invoice Management Dashboard.

  • The new batch uses the original Invoice number with a dash and a number suffix ( -2, -3 etc.).
  • The number after the dash represents the number of times the Invoice has been batched.
  • The new Invoice batch will be displayed in the Invoice History panel on the Employer Dashboard.
  • Filters to sort your Invoices:
  • By the current Status.
  • The Status options are Open (default), Paid, or All.
  • By the Invoice ID.
  • You can search by any part of the Invoice ID.
  • This field searches by contains not equals.
  • The Batch Reprint contains any Payments made since the first Invoice was sent.
  • The same Encounters will be on the Invoice, but Total Amount may be different because of posted Payments.

Learn More

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