Statements/Invoices Management Dashboard

Statements/Invoices Management Dashboard

The Statement Management Dashboard provides table and graphical breakdowns of the counts and dollar values of the statement batches.

Learn MoreStatements/Invoice Setup

Features on the Statement Management Dashboard

History Panel

  • Statement History: Select the History link to see the History of all Statement Batches.
  • Learn moreEncounter Statement History can be viewed using the Statement History button on the Encounter.

Statements/Invoices within Cycle Days Panel

This Panel only shows the Statements that are in the set number of Cycle Days. The Statuses shown reflect the Statuses given to the Statement Batch Items.

  • Error: The Statement Batch Items that were not Mailed due to an Error.
  • Select the Items number link to troubleshoot the Errored Batch items.
  • Not Yet Mailed: Number of Items that were Batched but not Mailed.
  • This Status does not show Errored Statements.
  • Mailed: Number of Items that were Batched and Mailed successfully.
  • Total Unique Statements: Total number of Statements that have Batched in the set Cycle Days.
  • The number of Items in the Error, Not Yet Mailed, and Mailed Statuses does not need to equal the number of Items in the Total Unique Statements row.
  • Example: Cycle Days is set to 31 days, and a new Cycle begins on May 1st. If there are 20 unique Statements that Batch in May, 20 Statements will appear in the Total Unique Statements row.

  • Last Batch displays the last Batch number that was created.
  • Select the Batch number to navigate to the Statements Batch Dashboard.
  • Date Created: The date the last Batch was created.
  • Number of Statements Batched in last 24 hours.
  • Number of Statements Batched in last 7 days.

Batches to be Sent/Processed Panel

Notifications Panel (**Premium Add-On**)

  • Shows all Notifications Scheduled to be Sent within the Cycle Days.

Address Corrections Panel

  • Address Changes to Review

Profile Detail

  • Number of Charges for each Statement Profile.
  • Select the Plus icon to include Balances.

Pre-Collections/Collections Panel

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