The Statement Management Dashboard provides breakdowns of the batch counts, dollar values associated with the batches, and the status of the batches.
Before Statements/Invoices can be sent, Profiles must be set up.
Learn More: Statements/Invoice Profile Setup
Navigation of the Statement Management Dashboard
(Select Statements on the Left Side Menu)
History Panel
- Statement History: Select the History link to see the History of all Statement Batches.

- Learn more: Encounter Statement History can be viewed using the Statement History button in the Actions panel on the Encounter Dashboard.

- Cycle batches can be created by the Job Scheduler, which eliminates the necessity of manual creation.
- However, it is recommended that you start with creating batches manually before using the Job Scheduler.
- Invoices have additional options.
- Print a previous Batch with the option to include all Errors or just the status of Error.
- Print specific DOS, Post Dates, or Responsibility Dates.

Statements/Invoices within Cycle Days Panel
This panel categorizes Statements/Invoices by their Status across all Batches within the Cycle Days determined by the setup in Admin > Statement Profiles > Add or Modify > Cycle Days.
- Example: If the Cycle Days = 28, Statements/Invoices batched in the last 28 days will display.
- The Statuses shown reflect the Statuses given to the Statement Batch Items.
- Error: These are Statement Batch Items that were not Mailed due to an Error.
- Select the Items number link to troubleshoot the Errored Batch items.
- Not Yet Mailed: Number of Items that were Batched but not Mailed.
- This Status does not show Errored Statements.
- The batch may simply be a Statement/Invoice batch that just needs to be uploaded.
- Mailed: Number of Items that were Batched and Mailed successfully.
- Will Not Send - Payment Made: Electronic notifications that won't be sent due to a payment made that satisfies the minimum required Payment Rule. Learn More
- Total Unique Statements: Total number of Statements that have Batched in the set Cycle Days.
- The number of Items in the Error, Not Yet Mailed, and Mailed Statuses does not need to equal the number of Items in the Total Unique Statements row.
- An item can display in multiple categories, so the Total Unique items may be less than the sum of the various categories.
- Last Batch displays the last Batch number that was created.
- Select the Batch number to navigate to the Statements Batch Dashboard.
- Date Created: The date the last Batch was created.
- Number of Statements Batched in last 24 hours.
- Number of Statements Batched in last 7 days.

Batches to be Sent/Processed Panel
- Statement/Invoice Batches are split into batches that are clean and ready to upload and those that have Exceptions (Errors).
- Exceptions Batches need to be reviewed before sending. There are various reasons for Exceptions.
- Missing Addresses
- The Patient has Escrow (Payments that have not been applied) and/or the Patient has a credit balance.
- The Patient or Guarantor is deceased.

- Shows all Notifications Scheduled to be Sent within the Cycle Days.
- Number of Notifications with Percentages for each status.

- Address Changes to Review

Profile Detail Panel

Pre-Collections/Collections Panel
In Collection