Batch Eligibility Using the Job Scheduler

Batch Eligibility Using the Job Scheduler

Create the Batch Eligibility Job

The Job Scheduler runs Eligibility in a batch for the Patients on your Appointment Schedule for a specific day.
  1. From Admin on the Left Side Menu, select the Job Scheduler button. (Admin > Job Scheduler)
  2. Select the Add button.

  1. From Run Function dropdown, select Batch Eligibility.
  2. Appointment Days in Future determines how far in advance of the Appointment to verify Eligibility.
  3. Specific Criteria options can be included or excluded.
  • Resource
  • Resource Group
  • Appointment Types
  • Appointment Status
  • Slot Type
  • Referring
  • Payer ID
  • Insurance
  • Insurance Group
  • Facility
  1. Choose a Pattern for running Eligibility. Daily or Weekly would be your best option.
  • Daily
  • Weekly: Specific days of the week can be chosen.
  1. Enter the Start Date.
  2. Enter the Time that you want the Eligibility Job to run.
  3. Select No End Date.
  4. Click Save [F2].

Eligibility Time Frame

This determines the number of days that the Eligibility Response will remain valid. The Batch Eligibility Job will not run a specific Patient until that number of days has been reached.

  • Example 1: The Eligibility Time Frame is set to Calendar Month.

  1. A Patient was scheduled on Monday, February 3, and Eligibility was checked for Monday's Appointment.
  2. The Patient is scheduled again for Friday, February 21, which is in the same month as the Monday Appointment.
  3. The Job Scheduler will not run Eligibility for that Patient because Eligibility has already been checked within the same month.
  • Example 2: The Eligibility Time Frame is set for 7 days.

  1. A Patient was scheduled on Monday, February 3, and Eligibility was checked for Monday's Appointment.
  2. The Patient is scheduled again for Friday, February 7, which is in the same week as the Monday Appointment.
  3. The Job Scheduler will not run Eligibility for that Patient again because the 7-Day Eligibility Time-Frame has not been met.

Learn More: Batch Eligibility Best Practice

Set the Eligibility Time-Frame

  1. From Admin on the Left Side Menu, select the System Settings button.
  2. On the Category menu, select Scheduling.
  3. ELIGTIMEFRAME - ELIGIBILITY TIME FRAME: Select one of the options from the dropdown that the Eligibility Response will be Valid. If the request has been received within the time frame, the Appointment will display a green check mark on the Calendar.
  • Time Frame Options: Default to (---), which is Calendar Month.
  • 7-30 days
  • Calendar Month
    • (---): Calendar Month (Default)
  • Calendar Year

Prevent Excessive Eligibility Requests

To prevent excessive Eligibility Checks:

  • A hard cap of 10 checks has been added regardless of the criteria set on the job. 
  • When there is no criteria specified, there will be a hard cap of 2 checks.

Batch Eligibility Results

The Batch Eligibility Results Report can be accessed from the Scheduling screen. Individual Patient response results can also be found on the Calendar and Patient Dashboard.

If one Eligibility Check did not go through, the Batch will be labeled, Failed.

  • This does not mean that the whole batch failed. It could be one or more items that did not go through that causes it to be labeled as Failed.

  • To see the failed Eligibility checks, select the View link.

If 100% of the Eligibility checks went through, the Batch will be labeled, Success.

  • Select View on the Total Job List to see a list of patients and their Eligibility status.

Select the Appointment Date to Navigate to the Calendar for that date.

View Screen

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