If a Patient is Deceased or Inactive, you can add the Date of Death (DOD) and mark the Patient as Inactive on the Modify Patient screen.
- From the Patient Demographics panel, select Modify.
- Add a date to the DOD (Date of Death) field.
- If you want to continue to see the Patient as Active, leave the Active box checked.
- Uncheck Active at the bottom of the screen if you do not want the Patient to display in Patient/Guarantor Lookup.
- You can still work Claims on the deceased Patient if the Active checkbox is deselected.
- Select Save [F2].
- A Validation Warning will display.
- If the Save & Continue button is selected:
- All future Appointments will be cancelled.
- If the Patient was marked deceased by accident, and you remove the Date of Death, the future Appointments that previously existed will need to be added manually.
- The Patient will be cleared from the Reschedule Queue.
- All open Recalls will be cancelled.
- You are validating that you understand that this action cannot be undone.
Results of Entering a Deceased Date
- When accessing the Patient Dashboard, a Header Message shows Patient Deceased (XX/XX/XXXX) and shows that the Patient is Inactive.
- The future Appointments show Canceled in the Patient Appointments panel on the Patient Dashboard.