When you select a Patient's Appointment on the Calendar, it opens the Patient's Appointment screen which displays:
- Patient's name
- DOB/Age
- Appointment Type
Additional Patient Information
- Phone Numbers
- Address
- Patient's Insurance
Appointment Information
- Appointment Date and Time
- Resource
- Facility
- Instructions and Reason Notes
- Previous/Next Appointments
Navigation Links
When a link is selected, a new tab or a pop-up window opens. Once you are finished, close the new tab or pop-up to return to the Patient's Appointment screen.
- Modify an existing Appointment.
- Prints an individual Superbill (Fee Ticket) for the patient.
- Prints a list of future appointments that the patient has scheduled.
- This list can be printed for the Patient.
- Prints an individual form for this patient only.
- Navigates to the Patient Dashboard.
- Opens the Modify Patient screen to make changes to the patient's demographics.
- Opens the Insurance Management screen to make changes to the Patient's Insurance.
- Only the Default Insurance displays on the Appointment screen.
- If the Insurance has been added with the status of Active, it can be changed using the Insurance Management link (Change from Active to Default).
- Hovering over the Insurance name will show details about the Insurance.
- Display of the Payer ID in the hover-over can be instrumental in selecting the correct insurance when compared to the Payer ID on the Patient's Insurance Card.
- Opens the Recalls screen where you can Add a Patient to a Recall list.
- Enter the Patient's payment. This can be a combination of a copay and a payment on account.
- If the Patient is using two different forms of Payment, such as credit card and check, make two receipts.
- Charges can be entered manually.
- The Service History shows the History of all the Patient's Encounters.
- These are Appointments where Charges have been entered for the Patient which creates an Encounter.
- If a Patient misses an Appointment, there will not be an entry on the Service History.
- The Service History can also be seen on the Patient Dashboard.
- Shows Eligibility history with the status of the Eligibility check.
- This link does not check Eligibility.
- Option to select Patient or Guarantor Balance.
- Pat Bal: Patient Balance
- Escrow: Payment Receipts that have not been posted to an Encounter.
- Col Bal: Collection Balance (Encounter Balances that have been sent to Collections)
- Ins Bal: Insurance Balance
- Last Payment: Last date that a Payment was made.
- Amount: Last Payment Amount.
- Dunning: The Dunning count increases each time a Patient Payment is missed.