Print Forms

Print Forms

The forms will electronically complete with the mappable fields that you added to the form. You can print specific forms from the Patient Dashboard, Scheduling Dashboard, or Encounter Dashboard. 

  1. Click Patient on the left Dashboard menu to go to Find Patient/Guarantor.
  2. Use the Filter Criteria to search for the patient.
  3. On the Demographics Panel, click Forms.
  4. On the Patient Forms screen, from the Select Form dropdown list, select the form to print.
  5. Click Run. This opens a PDF of the form. 
  6. Click Print.

    Depending on your computer's operating system and PDF viewer, the print icon might look different from the figure above.

  1. Click Scheduling on the left Dashboard menu.
  2. From the Scheduling Dashboard, under Functions, click Calendar.
  3. On the Calendar, click the patient's appointment. 
  4. In the patient appointment popup window, click Print Form.
  5. On the On-Demand Forms screen, from the Select Form dropdown list, select the form to print.

  6. Click Run.
  7. Click Print.

    Depending on your computer's operating system and PDF viewer, the print icon might look different from the figure above.

  1. Go to the Encounter Dashboard for the Encounter to print the form.
  2. Click Forms
  3. On the Charge Forms screen, from the Select Form dropdown list, select the form to print.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Click Print.

    Depending on your computer's operating system and PDF viewer, the print icon might look different from the figure above.

You can print a blank form with no patient information.

  1. On any of the forms screens from the directions above, select the Print Blank checkbox.
  2. Click Run.
  3. Click Print.

Depending on your computer's operating system and PDF viewer, the print icon might look different from the figure above.

  1. Create a Patient Receipt Form

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