Link the Appointment Types to a Superbill (Encounter Form, Fee Ticket)
- In Scheduling Setup, choose the Types tab.
- Add a new Appointment Type or edit an existing Appointment Type.
- Enter the Superbill ID in the Charge Ticket field.
- This is the Form ID you used when uploading the form to the Forms Library.
- Click Save or press F2.

Forms specific to a Resource/Appointment Type Combination
- In Scheduling Setup, choose the Resources tab.
- Click the Appointment Type link (this represents the appointment types linked to this Resource).

- In the Linked Appointment Type pop-up, click the Appointment Type.
- In the Add/Modify Linked Appointment Type pop-up, enter the Form ID in the Superbill ID field (Form ID you used when uploading the form to the Library).
- Upload the Form (Superbill).
- Click Save (F2).

Rules for Attaching Forms (Super bills)
When you are generating super bills, the System determines which form to generate for each Appointment by checking in three different places in the following order:
- Appointment Type at the Resource Level
- If there is a Form loaded on the Appointment Type from the Resource screen, the attached Form will Print using the Resource and Appointment Type.
- If no Form is attached at this level, the System will move to the next level.
- A Form attached on this level supersedes all other forms (super bills).
- Resource Level
- If there is a form attached to the Resource and not on 1, the form will print using the Resource Form that is attached.
- If a form is not attached to 1 or 2, the System will move to the next level.
- Appointment Type Level
- If there is a form loaded on the Appointment Type and not loaded on 1 or 2, it will print using the Appointment Type.
- If there is no form attached on any of the 3 levels, no super bill will print for this Appointment.