Guarantor Panel
- Modify: Select to Edit this Guarantor's Information.
- This is not used for adding a new Guarantor.
- Receipts: Select the Receipt link to display all Payment Receipts that have been entered for this Guarantor.
- Change Log: Use the Change Log link to view changes that have been made to the Guarantor, who made the changes, and when the changes were made.
- Register as a New Patient: Select to register the Guarantor as a New Patient.
Statement Addresses Panel
This panel can be used to add additional addresses for Patients who have seasonal addresses. The Primary Residence is the address added on the Add/Modify Guarantor screen.
Patients Linked to Guarantor Panel
All of the Patients linked to this Guarantor will be listed here.
Example: There are 3 children in the family and all are linked to their father as the Guarantor. The father will receive one Statement for all 3 children.
Guarantor Payment Plans Panel
List of Payment Plans for this Guarantor. Existing Plans can be modified and new plans can be added.
Guarantor Statement/Notification History Panel
Statements and Notifications
- Detailed History information is given for each Statement/Notification sent.
- Batch Number
- Statement Profile used
- Date Batched
- By: The User who batched the Statements/Invoices
- Uploaded Date
- By: The User who uploaded the Batch
- Patient Name(s)
- New Encounters on the Statement/Invoice
- Amount of the New Encounters
- Previously Billed Encounters
- Previously Billed Amount
- Total: New plus previously billed Encounters
- Status, such as Not Batched, Not Yet Mailed, etc.
- Dates, Status, User, New and Previous Encounters, etc.
- Encounters that were manually removed from the batch
- Not Batched Encounter Numbers
- Exceptions: Reason why the Encounter(s) was not batched.
Send Billing Notification
A quick Billing Notification or other message can be sent using the Send Billing Notification link. Learn More: On-Demand Billing Notification
Guarantor Documents
Drivers License and Insurance can be scanned on the Guarantor Dashboard as well as the Patient Dashboard.
Learn More