Patient Dashboard: Guarantors Panel

Patient Dashboard: Guarantors Panel

Patient Dashboard: Guarantors Panel


A Guarantor is the person/entity who is financially responsible for this Patient and would receive a statement/invoice for services rendered.

Guarantor Panel on the Patient Dashboard

  • Guarantor's Name and Address
  • Guarantor's ID number
  • Guarantor's DOB
  • Guarantor's Phone numbers
  • Patient Relationship to Guarantor
  • Last Billed (Most recent date billed to the Responsible Party)
    • Last Billed is the Date and Total of the last Statement amount billed to the Guarantor for the current Patient and any other Patients that are linked to this Guarantor.

    • The helps to match Guarantor Statement History on the Guarantor Dashboard with the Last Billed amount.

    • Example: Patient A, Patient B, and Patient C are under one Guarantor.

      • Patient A has an outstanding balance of $100.

      • Patient B has an outstanding balance of $50.

      • Patient C has an outstanding balance of $35.

      • The Guarantor was billed $185.00

        • The individual balances on each Patient are summed for the amount shown in Last Billed.

        • The amount in Last Billed will be $185 on each of the Patients in the Patient Dashboard Guarantor panel.

  • Balance

  • Last Payment Date
  • Payment Plan Remaining (Visible only if a Payment Plan is set up).
  • Escrow
  • Dunning Count
  • Paperless Statement Opted In/Out
  • Email Notification Opted In/Out
  • Text Notification Opted In/Out
  • Voice Notification Opted In/Out

  • Select the plus icon (+) to expand the panel to view more Guarantor information. 
  • Select the Guarantor's name to open the Guarantor Dashboard to view the Guarantor Balance, Statement Addresses, Patients Linked to Guarantor, and Statement History.

 Guarantors link: Select the Guarantors link to open the Guarantors List screen.

  • Select the Add button to add a new Guarantor.
  • Select the Delete button, to remove a Guarantor permanently.
  • Delete only if you added the Guarantor by mistake. Otherwise, add a new Guarantor and make it the default and Expire the old Guarantor by entering an Expiration Date.

Payment Plans link: Opens the Payment Plan screen.

Credit/Debit Cards link: Opens the screen to Add Credit/Debit Cards.

  • Your practice must be using one of our Merchant Service vendors for credit card processing to use this feature.

Learn More

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