Mailed Status of a Statement Batch

Mailed Status of a Statement Batch

Was the Statement Batch Mailed?

Statements > History

Mailed: Indicates the Statement/Invoices Batch has been processed and mailed.

When was the Statement Batch Mailed?

Select the Batch Number link on the Statement Batch History screen. The date and time are displayed.

Was an Individual Statement Mailed?

Statements History > Select the number in the Statement column on the Statement/Invoice Batch History screen

On the Statement/Invoice Batch Items, the information is located in the Status column.


  • Mailed: Statement Mailed
  • Error: Statement Error, meaning the Statement was Not mailed. For Example: Due to a bad address, such as Street Not Found.
Reminder: Make corrections in your Exact Plus file, if applicable.

On the Guarantor Dashboard, errors will show in the Status column. Hover over the error for details. The Statements with Errors will continue to run in the next Batch created and error out until the address correction is made.

View a Guarantor's Statement History

  • From the Patient Dashboard, select the Guarantor's name.
  • All sent Statements are displayed in the Statement/Notification panel. The Statements are viewable for a limited amount of time.

View the PDF of the Sent Statement

The Statement default to view Statements is 120 days. After 120 days the View option will not be available. If you need this changed, contact Support.

  • From the Patient Dashboard, select the Guarantor's name.
  • In the Statement/Notification History panel, select the View link on the Statement you want to see. The Status of the Statement is also displayed.

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