Additional Guarantor Statement Addresses

Additional Guarantor Statement Addresses

For Guarantors with different addresses throughout the year, addresses can be managed with Effective and Expiration dates. (For example, Guarantors with summer or winter homes).

  1. When the Statements are batched, the System determines which address to use based on the Effective date and Expiration date at the time of processing.
  2. If there are any gaps in the Effective dates, the statement will be mailed to the primary residence address, which is the address entered on the Guarantor record.
  3. Additional Statement addresses are managed on the Guarantor Dashboard in the Statement Addresses panel.

Add a Secondary Guarantor Address

  1. From the Patient Dashboard, click Guarantors.

  2. Select the Guarantor number.

  1. Click Add in the Statement Addresses panel.

  2. Enter dates for the Effective and Expiration fields. This determines when to send statements to the secondary address and when to revert to sending them to the primary address. It is important to use the Effective and Expiration dates because they drive where the statements are sent when batching.

  3. Enter the Address information.

  4. Select Save [F2].



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