Find Patient/Guarantor/Policy Holder

Find Patient/Guarantor/Policy Holder

To avoid duplicates, you should always search for a patient before Registering a new Patient
  1. Click Patient on the Left Side Menu.
  2. Enter Search Criteria.
  3. Select Include  Policy Holders/Contacts to search non-patients.

Patient/Guarantor/Policy Holder Lookup Fields

  • Last and First Name: Only use the first few letters of the first and last name in case the name is spelled differently in your System.
  • DOB: Date of Birth
  • Sounds Like: If you are unsure of the spelling of the name, use  Sounds Like  to find the Patient/Guarantor/Policy Holder.
  • SSN: If it was entered.
  • Chart #: Usually the number that is used in your Clinical Documentation or old PM.
  • Phone: Patient or Guarantor's phone number
  • Patient ID: Number that is assigned to the Patient by the System
  • Guarantor ID: Assigned by the System.
  • Provider ID: This is the ID that was assigned to the Provider during setup.

Additional criteria

  • Include Policy Holders/Contacts Select this option for the results to include Policy Holders and Contacts that are not registered as Patients.
  • Exclude Submission Names: Names that were entered for individual Insurances with a different name on the Insurance card.
  • Inactive Patients: Include or Exclude inactive patients.
  • Global Search: This is only visible if you have access to more than one database.


  1. Search: Click to Search for the Patient.
  2. Register PatientOpens the Patient Registration screen.
  3. Custom Patient Query (CPQ): Opens the CPQ  Custom Query Report
  4. Recently Accessed: Lists the recently accessed patients with the last patient accessed at the top of the list.

Patients and Non-Patients Designation

On the Find Patient/Guarantor screen, Patients and Non-Patients are separated and labeled with a green bar before each section.

Sorting the Patient List

The list of Patients can be sorted by clicking any of the column Titles.
  1. To sort alphabetically by the Last Name, click the column title, Last Name, twice.

Choosing a Person from the List

  1. Select the Patient Number to open the Patient Dashboard.
  2. If the person is in the Search list but is not a Patient, select the Register link to open the Register Patient screen.
  3. If the person is not in the Search list, select the Register Patient button.
  4. The Patient's Default Guarantor number is listed in the Guarantor column. Select the number to open the Guarantor's information.

Submission Names indicated by an Asterisk

Submission Names will also show in the Patient list and are indicated by an asterisk unless they are excluded.
Do not mistake these for duplicate Patients.

Learn More about Submission Names

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