Modify/Delete a Guarantor

Modify/Delete a Guarantor

Update an Existing Guarantor

  1. On the Patient Dashboard, click the Guarantor's Name

  1. Click Edit.

  1. Make modifications.

  2. Click Save (F2).

  1. If the default Guarantor's address was changed, you will be prompted with the option to change the Patients' addresses associated with this Guarantor.

    • Select the patients whose addresses you want to change to the new Guarantor's address.

  1. Click Save and Continue.

If a new Guarantor was added to an existing Patient, Encounters can be updated with the new Guarantor one at a time on each Encounter, or on the Patient Dashboard, multiple encounters can be updated at once.

 Delete or Expire a Guarantor 

The Delete button will only delete the linkage between the Guarantor and the Patient. It will not delete the actual Guarantor.

  • If the Guarantor is attached to a Patient Charge, the Guarantor must be expired instead of deleted.

  Delete a Guarantor

  1. On the Patient Dashboard, select the Guarantors link.

  1. Choose a Guarantor

  2. Select Delete

  1. Enter a Reason

  2. Select Delete

  Expire a Guarantor

  • To expire a Guarantor, enter an Expiration Date on the Add/Modify Guarantor screen.

    • Ensure that the Default checkbox is unchecked when expiring the Guarantor.

Learn More  

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