Statement/Invoice FAQs

Statement/Invoice FAQs

Statement/Invoice FAQs

Delete a Statement Batch

How do I delete a Statement Batch?

How do I upload a Statement Batch again?


How does the System know which Statement Description to pull?

Dunning/Statement Count

What is the Dunning Count?

  1. System Logic: The Dunning Message Count is determined by your Statement Profile setup and whether the Guarantor makes a Payment. The Dunning Message Count determines the Message that is sent on the Statement.
  2. Example: The Dunning Count starts at zero and increases by 1 on each Statement Run. On the first run, the Guarantor gets Dunning Message 1; on the second run without receiving a payment, the Guarantor gets Dunning Message 2, etc.

What is the difference between the Statement Count and Dunning Message Count?

What is the Dunning Limit on the Statement Profile?

  • Select No Dunning Limit to continue to send statements for Patient balances indefinitely.
  1. If you have set up Dunning Messages, the last Dunning Message will display on Statements that exceed the number of Dunning Messages set up.
  2. Example: You chose the option for No Dunning Limit, and three Dunning Messages have been set up. You have already sent three Statements and are now sending the fourth. The third Dunning Message will be sent on the fourth Statement and all subsequent Statements.
  1. If the No Dunning Limit option is not selected, the number of Dunning levels created on this screen will determine the maximum times a balance will be billed without an adequate payment (see the smart tip next to Payment Rules).

  1. Once the highest defined Dunning Level has been reached on an Encounter, when Statements are next batched the Encounter(s) will go into the Pre-Collections Worklist, instead of the Statement batch.
  2. Note:
    1. The ability to reset a dunning level when partial payments are received means that the number of actual Statements sent can exceed the Maximum Dunning Level defined in the Statement Profiles.
    2. When a Guarantor has a new balance that qualifies for a Statement, all balances for that Guarantor will be sent on that statement.
    3. Example: There is an old balance that exceeds the defined dunning limit and is therefore not getting billed (and has not been written off or sent to collections).
      1. If a new Encounter balance qualifies for a Statement, both balances will be billed on that statement.

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