Statements/Invoices Troubleshooting

Statements/Invoices Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot Statements/Invoices

Check the Statement Batch Status

  1. Created: The Batch has been created, but not uploaded.
  2. Uploading: The Batch is in the process of Uploading to the Statement Department.
  3. Accepted: The Statement was received by the Statement Department
  4. Mailed: The Statement Department had Mailed the Batch.

In this Example, the Statement Batch appears to be stuck in the Uploading Status, but the Batch was actually Mailed.

If the batch is really stuck in the Accepted Status, contact the Statement Department to verify that the Statement Batch was received. Have the Statement Batch number ready to give to them.

Why are Encounters/Guarantors not in the Statement Batch?

  • Does the Guarantor have a balance?
  • There is more than one Patient under the Guarantor.
  • If Patient A has a balance of $5.00 and Patient B has a credit balance of $5.00, a Statement will not be generated because the overall balance would be $0.00.
  • If there are Encounters that offset each other that cause the Guarantor balance to be $0.00, a Statement will not be created.
  • Is there a Credit Balance?
  • If a credit balance results from the sum of all Encounters, a Statement will not be created.
  • Is there money in Escrow that would pay the balance?
  • Does the Guarantor Balance meet the minimum balance in System Settings? Admin > System Settings > Statements > MINBALANCE
  • If a minimum balance of $5.00 is setup in the System Settings, and the Guarantor balance is $4.00, a Statement will not be generated.
  • Were Statements batched before the Patient Balance existed?
  • Check Date/Time stamps on Patient Responsibility (PR) postings.
  • Compare to the Created Date/Time Stamp on the Statement Batch.
  • Was the Statement put on Hold?
  • This will hold all Statements for that Patient. All other Patients with the same Guarantor will be on the Statement if there is a Patient Balance that meets the Statement Logic.
  • Tag has been added to an Encounter to Hold the Statement.
  • On the Statement Profile, the Hold Statements checkbox has been chosen.
  • Any Patient that is marked with Not Responsible on the Insurance Profile will not receive a Statement.
  • Header Message will display on the Encounter Dashboard when the Patient is marked Not Responsible.
  • This results in No Statements being sent for Patients with this Insurance.
  • Did the Guarantor receive a Statement recently?
  • The Cycle Days must be reached before a Statement will generate again.
  • Example 1:
  • Cycle Days are set for 30 days in System Settings or in Statement Profiles. (Statement Profiles overrides System Settings.)
  • A Statement for "Guarantor A" was generated on July 15 and was mailed.
  • Statements are batched again on August 10.
  • Even if Guarantor A still has a balance, he will not be included in the batch on August 10.
  • Since it has not yet been 30 days since Statements were last batched in which Guarantor A was included a Statement was not included in that batch.
  • Example 2: An On-Demand Statement was run and it was marked as mailed.
  • A Statement was mailed to an Address that is not and has never been in the System.
  • The address scrubbing software can adjust addresses when validation occurs.
  • This can be bypassed on the Patient level but cannot be turned off for the whole Database.
  • Contact Support to bypass a specific Patient's address update.
  • Is the Statement count correct?
  • It is important to upload the Statement Batch soon after creating it. If there is a delay in uploading, balances could change during that time.
  • Rerun the batch to update the Statement Count.
  • Are there duplicate Guarantors?
  • Is there an Insurance Credit on the Encounter?
  • By default, Patient Statements are not sent if there is an Insurance Credit on the Encounter.
  • To allow a Statement to be created when there is an Insurance credit, go to Admin > System Settings > Statements > INCLINSCREDIT
  • Are there Custom Transaction Codes?
  • If Custom Transaction Codes are not set up correctly, Statements will not be sent.
  • Has the Dunning Message Count limit been reached?
  • If the Patient has reached their maximum Dunning Message Count, and it is only Encounter with a Patient Balance, no Statement will be generated.
  • If a Statement still needs to be sent, do one of the following:
  • This will force the Encounter back into the Statement Cycle.
  • Are there Receipts for Patients in an Open Reference Batch that belong to that Guarantor?
  • If the System Setting, LIMITOPENBATCHis Yes, a Statement will not generate.
  • Is there a Statement Error/Exception?
  • The errored item will display on the Statement Dashboard.
  • If the Encounter was Batched but errored, it may not update the Dunning or Statement Count.

Learn More

Balance Logic

Modify Encounter

Exception Batch

Patient Demographic

Hold Statements checkbox

Not Responsible

Patient Responsible

Statement Profiles

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