Print/Preview a Statement Batch Locally

Print/Preview a Statement Batch Locally

If the Statement Services feature is not being used, a Statement Batch can be printed locally.

  • Locally printed Statements cannot be custom formatted
  • Statements can only be custom formatted if the Statement Services feature is being used, which allows a selection from several formats.
  • When the Statements are uploaded, the chosen format will be applied.

Print/Preview a Statement Batch Locally

  • On the Statements Management Dashboard, select the Statement Batch number in the Statements Batches to be Sent/Processed panel.

  • Select Preview/Print.
  • Mark the Batch as Mailed and Increase Dunning Count: Select the box for batch status to be updated to mailed and to increase the Dunning Count.
  • If you are just previewing the batch, do not select the box.
  • Sort By:
  • Account Number (Default)
  • Guarantor Name
  • Select Run.

  • Select the Print icon to print the PDF view that is displayed.


Note: The format for locally printed statements is not the same as the Uploaded Statements.

Learn More

On-Demand Statements

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