POPS Session Usage Report

POPS Session Usage Report

The Session Usage Report can be accessed from 2 places within the System:

  1. POPS Management
  • Admin > POPS Management > Session Usage
  1. Reports Dashboard
  • Reports > Session Usage

Use Session Usage to Report on Patient activity within a POPS session.

  • Determine the most used or effective POPS Origin and Authentication Method.
  • Get a detailed activity breakdown for specific Guarantors and POPS Groups.
  • Audit the number of unsuccessful Payments per POPS Group, Origin, and Authentication Method.

Session Usage Filter Criteria

  • Date Span: Select a preset Date Span or select Date Range to enter a Date From and Date To.
  • Group: Include or exclude a POPS Group.
  • Origin: Include or exclude methods of accessing POPS.
  • Guarantor: Include or exclude a Guarantor.
  • The Report will only display the Guarantor ID.
  • Grand Totals Only: Removes the Detailed View from the beginning of the Report.
  • This is useful when there is a high volume of POPS use.
  • Group By: Determines how the Report information is grouped.
  • This Filter adds/removes columns from the Detailed View and adds/removes Totals By sections.

Detailed View

The Detailed View will NOT be displayed if Grand Totals Only is checked in the Filter Criteria.

The first section of the Report displays a daily, monthly, and yearly breakdown by Authentication Method (Quick Pay or MFA), and Payment success status.

  • Example Report Output: Grouped By Date, Group, and Origin

Totals by Date

The Totals by Date section displays POPS activity trended over time by month with a yearly total.

  • Totals by Date Example: Demo Health Center introduced Quick Pay in January 2024. In February 2024, their POPS usage increased drastically. At the end of 2024, Demo Health Center will be able to analyze their monthly trends and view their yearly totals.

Totals by Group

The Totals by Group section displays POPS activity by the POPS Groups associated with the Database. The Date Span is determined by the Filter Criteria.

  • This section is useful when a Database is utilizing multiple POPS Groups.
  • Totals by Group Example: The selected Date Range is January 2024 to February 2024. Demo Health Clinic implemented POPS in January 2024 and Quick Pay in February 2024 and has seen a steady increase in POPS users. Test Group will not implement POPS until March 2024, and therefore has no data to display.

Totals by Origin

The Totals by Origin section displays POPS activity by the Origin of the POPS session.

  • Totals by Origin Example: Demo Health Clinic has a lower number of Patients and Guarantors opted in to email, so a much higher volume of Users accessed POPS through paper Statements.

Grand Total

The Grand Total section displays a quick view of the yearly totals for Quick Pay, MFA, Successful Payment, and Unsuccessful Payments without any additional grouping.

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