Charge Management Tag and Worklist Assignment

Charge Management Tag and Worklist Assignment

Assign a Tag to a Charge Management Rule

When a Tag is assigned to a Charge Management Rule, and the Charge meets the Rule's criteria, the Tag will be auto-assigned to the Encounter.
  1. Access: Libraries > Charge Management Rules
  2. On the Add/Modify Charge Management Rule screen, select a Tag in the Tag Assignment field.

Assign a Worklist and/or Charge Management Rule to a Tag

When a Worklist is assigned to a Tag, and the Tag is chosen on an Encounter, it will auto-create a Task on the Worklist.
  1. Access: Libraries > Tags
  2. Select or create a Worklist using the Worklist Assignment field on the Add/Modify Tags screen.
When a Charge Management Rule is assigned to a Tag, and an Encounter meets the Charge Management Rule criteria, the Tag will auto-create on the Encounter. 

Assign a Tag to an Encounter Worklist

Create or open an Encounter Worklist.

Worklist Tag Fields
  1. Tag: Select a Tag or create a new Tag using the Lookup icon.
  2. Priority: Select a Priority for the Worklist or leave blank.
  3. Status: Select a Status for the Worklist or leave blank.
  4. Assignee: This Worklist can be assigned to a User.
  5. Closed Status: The Status that displays when the Worklist is automatically closed.
  6. Select Save [F2].

Tags Filter on Worklists

On the Worklists screen, there is a Tags field to pull Tasks that have specific Tags.

The Number of Tasks in the Worklist

By default, 50 Tasks will display in the Worklist.
  1. This number can be increased on the Add/Modify Tag screen, or
  2. The User can choose to manually import more Tasks by selecting the Import Next Set link.
  3. Use the System Setting MAXTASKLIMIT to increase the task limit maximum value in the dropdown.
  1. There are 257 Tasks in the Task Queue in the ABC Worklist.
  2. The Default displays 50 Tasks in the Worklist is 50; the System imports 50 at a time or a smaller number to reach 50.
  3. The User works all 50 Tasks, and the Worklist is now empty.
  4. Selecting the Import Next Set link will import the next 50 Tasks.
  5. If you choose not to manually update the Worklist, it is automatically updated around 6:30 AM EST.
  6. The banner shows how many current Encounter Tags exist in the Task Queue waiting to be imported.

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