Unassigned Tasks on the Worklist
Filter on Worklist for Unassigned Tasks
- Select the checkbox for Include Unassigned.
- Select the Hold icon to keep this selected during your current session in your System.
- If you want to save permanently, select the Save Icon, name the Filter, and choose Save as New. The saved Filter will be on the upper left corner of your screen.
- The report can be exported to PDF or CSV.
The Task panel is located on the Left Side Menu and will only appear if you have Worklist Permissions. The Task Categories will only appear if the User has Tasks in that Category.
- Incl Unassigned is selected by Default.
- If the checkbox is selected, you will see:
- Tasks that have not been assigned to a User and
- The Tasks assigned to you.
- If the checkbox is not selected, you will see only Tasks assigned to you.
- Navigate to the Worklist by selecting one of the numbers.
The Task Total might be different from the sum of each Category listed in the box. Reasons for difference:
- A Task may be in two Categories, such as Due and Follow-up.
- The Task is not Due Soon/Due Now or Follow-up Soon/Follow-up Now per the setup of the Worklist.
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