All setup is done in Statement Profiles using the Dunning message panel. A new Statement Profile can be created or an email cadence can be added to an existing Statement Profile.
Add a Notification
- On the Statement Profile screen, click the Add Notification tab, and select Email or Text.

- Send: Choose Before, On, or After.
- Statement Due Date: Enter the number Days and the Time to be sent in conjunction with your Send choice.
- Message Templates: Choose an existing Template or create a new one. Message Templates give easy accessibility to use on other Statement Defaults if needed.
Add a New Template
- In the Select Template dropdown, choose Manage to add a Template.

- Select Add.

- Label: Enter a Label for the template.
- Enter the Sender Email address. (For Email selection only)
- Email Subject: Enter the subject the patient will see on the Subject Line of the Email. (For Email selection only)
- Copy: You can copy an existing Template to modify or create a new one.
- Create your Email Template in the Text Editor screen.
- Your Logo will populate from your setup in POPS Management.
- Create the format for your Email.
- Add fields, such as the Guarantor's name and balance due, from the Mappable Fields panel. Select the Copy icon
beside the field that you want to add to the Email. - Click the place in the Text Editor screen where you want the field. Right click and paste or Ctrl V.
- If QuickPay is being used, enter the following in the Email: Please (add the QuickPay mappable link) to make a payment.
- Switch to the HTML Editor to view the email. You can also do some formatting on this screen. You can switch back to the Text Editor at any time.
- When finished with the Template, click Save (F2).
For more information on adding a QuickPay link to the notification, click: POPS and QuickPay.
Email Template Example

Text Template Example

Resizing Logo
Every HTML tag has attributes that can be added to control the way it renders. <img> tags allow for height and width.
- The Original HTML Tag will look similar to this: <img src="Logo_url" />
- Log_url will be your Logo URL
- Adjust the height and width numbers to change the image size.
- Add the height and width to the URL
- After the change, it will look like this: <img height="150px" width="200px" src="Logo_url" />
- The Text is bold in to illustrate what needs to be added.
- Adjust the height and width numbers to change the image size.
- Tip: Change the size. and then click Access HTML Editor to see the effect of the change. By toggling back and forth you can quickly get it to look exactly like you want.
Modify an Existing Notification
- On the Modify Statement Profile screen in the Notifications panel, select the Tab for the message you want to modify.
- Select the Modify icon.

- Make the changes.
- Select Save [F2].