Balance Notification Testing

Balance Notification Testing

Test Notifications Before Go-Live

It is important to test the email and notification process before Go-Live.

Create a New Test Statement Profile 

The Time Cadence on the Statement Profile must be set to On Statement Date for test Notifications to be sent.
  • Add a Notification. Follow the instructions for Balance Notifications Setup.

    • Send: The email should be set up to be sent that day at a time later than current time. This gives you a chance to preview the email.

Create/Use a Test Patient

    • Set the Guarantor email to an email you can access (For Instance: Use your own email address.)

    • On the Guarantor choose Opt-In for “Paperless” and “Email

    • Set the Guarantor to Self-pay.

    • Select the Test Statement Profile for Statements on the Patient and Encounter.


 Create a Test Charge 

  • Create a Test Reference Batch.

  • Choose Self Pay as the Insurance.

  • Choose Test for Statement.


 Create an On-Demand Statement Batch 

  • On the Statements Management Dashboard, select Create On-Demand Batch.

  • Use the Lookup icon to search for the Guarantor or enter the Guarantor ID.

  • Select Create Batch [F2].

  • Select the new Statement Batch number.

  • Select Upload Notifications. (Support function)

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