Balance Notifications Overview

Balance Notifications Overview

This is a Premium Add-On Feature.

Balance Notifications

Balance Notifications are an optional premium add-on feature that provides scheduled Patient balance notifications. These are offered as emails and SMS.

As more and more responsibility (high deductibles/high co-pays) has shifted to Patients, the Patient has become one of the largest "payers" for the typical practice. Collecting from Patients is also much more expensive than collecting from Insurances Companies. Statements are more expensive than claims, and industry statistics show, on average, it takes several Patient Statements to resolve a balance.

Balance Notifications provide a much more economical tool, allowing practices to:
  • Save money by bypassing rising postage costs
  • Increase Patient collections
  • Accelerate the Patient collection process since emails are delivered instantly and statements can take up to a week to deliver.
  • Provide on-line payments with our Quickpay link for POPS.

Examples for Use Cases of Balance Notifications

  • Notifications sent as part of a paperless billing process (in lieu of paper statements) for a POPS payment portal user.
  • Sent in addition to paper statements as a reminder of an upcoming due date, or a due date that has just passed
  • Sent as a pre-collection final notice.
  • Collect credit cards on file and an agreement that the card will be used after insurance adjudication. The notification is sent as a courtesy to notify the Patient that a payment on their card will be processed.

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