User Maintenance
From Admin on the Left Side Menu, select User Maintenance. Search for existing Users by using the Filter Criteria.
You will be prompted to enter your password when accessing or creating Users.
If you have access to more than one Database, the Database List will default to the Database you are currently in.
Add/Modify a User
- Select the Add button for a New User or the User ID to modify a User.
- Enter your Password.
- Select Submit.
- Create a User ID: Initial of first name and full last name is recommended, such as JTEST.
- The User ID cannot be changed once the screen is saved.
- Enter the User's First and Last Name.
- Leave the "Active?" box checked when adding a User.
- Deactivate Users by removing the check mark from the "Active?" field.
Two-Factor Authentication
- Two-Factor Authentication is an extra layer of security that can be added to the Users' logins.
- Choose the number of days for the Two Factor Authentication code to be active.
- This is the number of days that the Two-factor code can be used before having to get another Two-factor code. One day is recommended.
- For Users that are Site Admins, Everyone 1 day (Recommended) must be chosen.
- You cannot Save the screen if this option is not chosen for a Site Admin.
- Select Cell Phone or Email from the dropdown to designate how you want to receive the Two-factor code and receive other User notifications.
Cell Area, Cell Phone, and Ext
- If Cell Phone was chosen for Priority, enter the User's cell phone number to receive the Two-Factor Authentication number on their phone.
- Enter the User's Email address.
- This must be entered if the User wants to receive the two factor authentication via their email.
- If single sign on is enabled, the email field is not able to be modified (see below).
Single Sign On (SS
- This should be set to Not In Use unless your organization uses SSO through OneLogin which would be set to OneLogin.
Temporary Password
- Assign a temporary Password and provide it to the new User or to an existing User when resetting their Password.
- When the User logs in, they will be required to change their Password.
- This field can also be used at anytime to give a User access to the System when the Password has been forgotten.
Office Area & Office Phone & Ext
- Enter the Office Phone number and the User's extension if applicable.
- Select inactivity period before the System logs a User out. Inactivity is defined as not changing screens, accessing a record, or saving a record.
IP Access Rules
- This field is optional and can be left blank.
- If an IP Address is entered, the User will have access from that IP Address only.
- Multiple IPs can be entered by entering the IP addresses separated by a comma with NO SPACE.
- A Subnet can be entered using the first three parts of the IP Address. This will allow all users on this Subnet to access the System.
- 192.158.1
- Note: A Subnet can be included within a comma separated list.
Time From and Time To
- If time restrictions are entered, the User will only be able to log in between the
- These fields can be left blank.
Time Zone
- Choose the User's Time Zone.
Days of the Week
- The User will only be able to log in on the days that are selected.
- This can be left with all days of the week checked if you do not wish to restrict the User.
List of the Practice DBs
- This will populate with the Databases that are are chosen below under User Can Access Following Databases.
- The Facility field should be left blank unless otherwise directed by Support.
- If a Facility ID is selected, the User can ONLY open Patient records that have this Facility selected on their Demographic screen.
Only one Facility should be entered into the Facility field.
- A specific Facility has been entered for the User in User Maintenance.
- The Patient has a different Facility assigned on the Patient Demographic screen.
- This error message is displayed when the Patient is selected.
User Can Access Following Databases
- Check the boxes for the Databases that the User can access.
- Select a Role for the User.
System Permissions
- After a Role is assigned, the specific System Permissions can be adjusted individually for the User.
Scheduling Resource Permissions
- When accessing the Calendar, this User can see the Schedules of the selected Resources.
- This feature is often used for Therapist Users to restrict their Calendar view to only their personal schedule.
- Patient Access by User/Resource: The ability to further restrict User Patient search results.
Select Save [F2].
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