Permission to add Block Appointments on Unformatted Slots

Permission to add Block Appointments on Unformatted Slots

Grant Block Permission per User

  1. In User Maintenance, click the User ID to add the permission (Admin > User Maintenance).
  2. In the Scheduling > Calendar section:
  3. Select the Block Time box and Delete Block Time.
  4. Deselect Schedule Appointment in Non-Formatted Slot.
  5. Click Save [F2].

Grant Block Permission per Role using the Permission Button  

  1. On the Admin screen, select the Permissions Button (Admin > Permissions).

  2. Select the Role radio button.

  3. Select the role from the dropdown menu.

  1. In the Scheduling > Calendar section, same as steps 2-5 above.

  2. Select the Block Time box and Delete Block Time.

  3. Deselect Schedule Appointment in Non-Formatted Slot.

  4. Click Save [F2].

Grant Block Permission per Role using the Role Button

  1. On the Admin screen, select the Roles button (Admin > Roles).

  2. Select the View link in the Permissions column.

  1. Select the Role from the dropdown menu.

  1. In the Scheduling > Calendar section, same as steps 2-5 above.

    • Select the Block Time box and Delete Block Time.

    • Deselect Schedule Appointment in Non-Formatted Slot.

  2. Click Save [F2]

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