Statements/Invoices Overview

Statements/Invoices Overview

Statements/Invoices Overview

Statement and Invoice Profiles must be set up before Statements can be sent.

Statements and Invoices must be set up separately. Both require Proofs to be approved.

Statement Profiles Setup

Statement/Invoice Test Batch and Proof
Setup for Invoice Billing
System Settings for Invoices

Statements and Invoices can be manually batched and uploaded, or you can use the Job Scheduler to create the Statement batch at a preset day and time.

Display Procedures and Descriptions on the Statements

If you want the Procedure Codes and the Descriptions to display on the Patient Statements, notify the Statement Department, Output Solutions (OS).

  • If you did not request this before your initial Statement setup with OS, a new proof will be sent to you for approval.

Attach a Statement Profile to a Patient

The Statement Profile can be changed for one or more Encounters which will override the Statement Profile setting.

Statement Processing

  • Statement files are processed after 1:00 PM Eastern.
  • Any Statement files received after this time will be processed the following workday.
  • Statement Files are NOT processed over the weekend.
  • Statement Batch Dashboard Details:
  • Created Date: Time-stamped when the Statements are initially run/batched.
  • Uploading: when the Upload Statement Batch process began.
  • Accepted: When the Statement Department received the file.
  • Mailed: Confirmation that the Statement Batch has been processed. This confirmation is usually sent back overnight and uploaded to the PM System where the Statement Batch is marked as Mailed.
  • The Dunning Message count is updated after the file is uploaded and is marked as Mailed OR a printed file is marked as Mailed.

There are times that you may see Mailed more than once. This occurs when there are errors in the Statement Batch, and a second or third mailing took place after the errors were corrected.

Files should not be uploaded on Friday since the Statement Batch will not be processed until Monday at the earliest. If Monday is a holiday, it will be processed on Tuesday or after depending on the holiday backlog. If the Statement Batches are uploaded in the morning Eastern Time on Monday through Thursday, the Statements will be mailed the next day. 

Logic for Balances on Invoices

Calculation of the Balance on Invoices:

Total Balance Forward plus Current Charges minus Credit on Account = Total Due

  • Example: $128.00 + $340.00 - $166.00 = $302.00

Hierarchy of Procedure Description used on Statements

  1. On a Statement run, the System first looks at the data entered in the Statement Description Field on the Modify Charge Line.
  2. If number 1 is blank, the System looks at the Patient-Facing Description on the Procedure Code in the Procedure Code Library.
  3. If both 1 and 2 are blank, the System looks at the default Procedure Description in on the Procedure Code in the Procedure Code Library.

Statement Department: Etactics Output Solutions Contact Information

  • Phone:  330-342-0568 ext 2

Learn More


Add a Customized Note to a Patient or Encounter that Prints on a Statement

Add an Adjustment Code to a Printed Statement

Delete a Statement Batch

Mailed Status of a Statement Batch

Manually Batch and Upload Statements

Use Job Scheduler to Batch Statements

On Demand Statements

Patient Responsibility Estimator (PRE)

Patient Responsibility Overview

Patient Not Responsible for a Specific Insurance

Patient Not Responsible on the Patient/Encounter Level

Place a Statement on Hold

Remove a Statement from a Batch

Reset the Dunning Count

Review Statement Batch Items

Statement Balance Logic

Statements Batch Dashboard

Statement Batch FAQs

Statement Batch Separation (Split)

Statement Exceptions Batches

View Statement/Invoice Batches


Attorney and Employer Direct Invoices

Add Guarantor/Insurance to Directly Invoice Employer or Attorney

Setup for Invoice Billing Overview

Setup the Attorney/Employer Library for Direct Invoice Billing

Create an On-Demand Invoice

Credit Memo: Invoice Corrections

Exact Plus

Etactics Training Video

National Change of Address (NCOA)

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