Patient FAQs

Patient FAQs

Patient FAQs


How do I remove an Alert or Header?


How do I add a Case?


How do I post a new Charge?

Debit/Credit Cards:

How do I add a Debit/Credit Card?


How do I indicate that a Patient is deceased?

How do I write-off a deceased Patient's balance?


How do I add DME to an Active Insurance Profile?


How do I access an Encounter from the Patient Dashboard?

How do I write off multiple Encounters at once?


How do I add a Guarantor?


How do I make a Patient Inactive?

How do I find an Inactive Patient?


How do I add a new Insurance Profile?

What is the difference between a Default Profile and Active Profile?

Insurance Profiles

How do I override a Default Insurance Profile?

Insurance Submission Name

How do I add a Submission Name?


How do I add a Note to the Patient Dashboard?


How do I find a Patient?

How do I delete a Patient?

Patient Demographics

How do I change a Patient's Demographics, such as, address, phone, etc?

How do I see changes made to the Patient Data on the Patient Dashboard?

How do I print Patient Demographics?

Patient Demographic User Modified

How can I quickly view who added or modified a Patient's Information?

Patient Info

Can I see what changes were made to the Patient's Data?

Refund: Patient

How do I post a Patient Refund?

Payment Plans

How do I add a Payment Plan?


How do I add a Recall?

Reports: Patient

Patient Custom Query

Patient Ledger

Patient Query By Form

Aging by Patient


Eligibility History

Scan: How do I scan an Insurance Card?

Direct (iDology) Scanning

Indirect Scanning without iDology

USPS Address Standards

How can I make the Patient Addresses meet the USPS Address Standard?

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