Show Me How

Patient Dashboard

  1. Patient Demographics
  2. How to indicate that a Patient is deceased
  3. Insurance Submission Names
  4. How can changes be seen, such as, addresses?
  5. Is there a way to quickly view who added or modified a Patient?
  6. How can I make the Patient Addresses entered in the System meet USPS Address Standards?


  1. How to prevent an Appointment Type from printing a form (superbill)


  1. How do I post a CO45 on a Secondary Payment?

Can the Charge Fee on an Encounter be changed by changing the Insurance Profile?

No. The Charge Fee must be updated from the Encounter Modify Charge screen. On the Modify Charge screen > choose the Insurance or Self Pay. If the Payer or Self Pay has a different Charge Fee Schedule, the fee will change when the Insurance is updated on the Modify Charge screen. A popup will display letting you know that the Fee will change. Select OK.

Validation Error: You must be attached to a reference batch...

This Validation Error means you are not currently attached to an Open Reference Batch.

  1. Another User might close a Reference Batch of which you are attached.
    1. In the upper right corner, select the Reference Batch link.
    2. Open and Attach to the Reference Batch.
  2. If you forgot to attach to a Reference Batch, you can Open and Attach to an existing Reference Batch or create a new Reference Batch and attach to it.

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