Premium Add-On Features

Premium Add-On Features

Optional Premium Add-On Features

If you are interested in the Premium add-on features, create a Manage Services ticket. Following the instructions using this link: MS Manage Services.

Balance Notifications

  • Provides scheduled Patient balance notifications.


  • eBridge is a third party vendor that provides document scanning and management. When the API Interface is activated, links to eBridge appear on the Patient and Encounter Dashboards.

Exact Plus

  • An Address Correction tool that is part of our integrated electronic Statement processing service.

IDology Direct Scanning

  • Scan insurance cards and drivers' licenses directly to the System.

Patient Responsibility Estimator

  • Provides Patient Responsibility Estimates without using a third-party tool.


  • This is a Payment Portal providing full integration into the System for real-time balances and posting of Payments.

Real-Time Eligibility

  • Check Patient's Insurance Eligibility in real-time, which can reduce denied claims. Eligibility can be checked in a batch from the Appointments on the Calendar or individually.

Real-Time Claim Status

  • Check the Status of Insurance Claims in real-time, making it easier for billers to determine the status of a Claims for faster reimbursement.

Time Clock

  • Users can clock in and out and it provides a payroll report.
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